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BMC Oral Health.2024 Jun;24(1):694.


Predictability of expansion movements performed by clear aligners in mixed dentition in both arches: a retrospective study on digital casts.

PMID: 38879479




BACKGROUND: to evaluate the predictability of expansion achieved in patients in early mixed dentition treated with Clear Aligners (CA), analyzing the efficiency of the expansion at the end of the first set of aligners and at the end of the therapy in the upper and lower arch.


36名の患者(女性20名、男性16名、平均年齢8.3±1.5歳)が、ローマ "Tor Vergata "病院矯正科からレトロスペクティブに選ばれた。すべての患者は、アタッチメント以外の補助装置を使用しないCA治療を受けた。各患者に対して、標準化された逐次拡大プロトコールが両アーチに対して計画された。治療前(T0)、最初のアライナーセット終了時(T1)、治療終了時(T2)の3つの観察期間において、口腔内スキャナーからデジタル歯列模型を作成しました。T1およびT2との比較のために、最初のクリンチェック(CC)によって決定された計画位置の3Dモデルが得られました。T1-CCとT2-CCを比較し、寸法変化と拡大運動の予測可能性を評価するために、6回の直線横断測定が用いられた。

METHODS: 36 patients (20 F, 16 M; mean age 8.3 ± 1.5 years) were selected retrospectively from the Department of Orthodontics of the Hospital of Rome "Tor Vergata". All subjects were treated with CA with no other auxiliaries than attachments. For each patient a standardized sequential expansion protocol was planned for both arches. Digital dental casts were created at three observation periods from an intraoral scanner: prior to treatment (T0), at the end of the first set of aligners (T1), at the end of treatment (T2). The 3D models in planned position determined by the first Clincheck (CC) were obtained for comparison with T1 and T2. Six linear transversal measurements were used to evaluate the dimensional changes and the predictability of expansion movements, comparing T1-CC and T2-CC.



RESULTS: a statistically significant increase within the pre-treatment and the final outcomes for all the variables examined was found. In the upper arch, the greatest level of predictability was detected at the level of the first (46.44%) and second deciduous molar width (44.95%) at T1. The analysis of T2-CC changes showed a significant increase in the percentage of predictability of expansion at the level of the first permanent molars, at mesial (54.86%) and distal (58.92%) width. In the lower arch, a higher percentage of predictability than the upper arch was reported at T1-CC and T2-CC, with the greatest values at the level of second (T1-CC: 48.70%; T2-CC: 75.32%) and first deciduous molar width (T1-CC: 45.71%; T2-CC: 72.75%).



CONCLUSIONS: CA can induce significant transversal increments. The predictability of expansion is variable, but it did not exceed the 50% during the first set of aligners. It was necessary to apply refinement set to achieve a good predictability for expansion of about 70%. The expansion in the lower arch was observed to be more predictable than in the upper arch.