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BMC Oral Health.2024 Jun;24(1):696.

歯内療法で修復した小臼歯の辺縁適合と耐疲労性の比較評価:in vitro試験

Comparative evaluation of marginal adaptation and fatigue resistance of endodontically treated premolars restored with direct and indirect coronal restorations: an in vitro study.

PMID: 38879492




BACKGROUND: An optimum restoration for reconstructing endodontically treated teeth should provide excellent marginal adaptation, high fracture resistance as well as maximum tooth structure conservation. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the marginal adaptation and fatigue resistance of different coronal restorations in endodontically treated premolars.


30本の健全な上顎第一小臼歯を歯内療法で治療し、MOD窩洞を形成した。歯は歯冠修復物の種類によって3群(n=10)に無作為に割り付けられた:R群:ポリエチレンファイバー(リボンド)、ファイバー強化コンポジット(everXポストリア)、ナノハイブリッドコンポジット最終層。O群:間接的な二ケイ酸リチウムオーバーレイ、C群:ファイバーポスト、レジン複合修復物、二ケイ酸リチウム冠。マージナルギャップの評価は、実体顕微鏡を用いてサーモサイクル(5000サイクル)の前後に行った。試料には200Nから始まる段階的な応力負荷をかけ、破壊が起こるまで各段階で100Nずつ増加させた。統計解析は、一元配置分散分析(One-way ANOVA)を行い、多重比較にはTukeyのポストホック検定を用いた。サーモサイクル前後の限界適応度の比較には、一対のt検定を用いた。生存確率は生命表生存分析で評価した。故障モード解析はカイ二乗検定で行った。

METHODS: Thirty sound maxillary first premolars were endodontically treated and received MOD cavities. Teeth were randomly allocated into three groups (n = 10) according to the type of coronal restoration: Group R: polyethylene fibers (ribbond), fibers-reinforced composite (everX posterior) and final layer of nano-hybrid composite. Group O: indirect lithium disilicate overlay and Group C: fiber-post, resin composite restoration, and lithium disilicate crown. Marginal gap assessment was performed before and after thermocycling (5000 cycles) using stereomicroscope. Samples were subjected to stepwise-stress loading starting at 200 N, and increased by 100 N in each step until failure occurred. Statistical analysis was done by One-way ANOVA followed Tukey`s Post Hoc test for multiple comparison. Paired t test was used to compare the marginal adaptation before and after thermocycling. Survival probability was evaluated by Life table survival analysis. Failure mode analysis was performed with Chi-square test.



RESULTS: Marginal gap was significantly the lowest in group R (37.49 ± 5.05) and (42.68 ± 2.38), while being the highest in group C (59.78 ± 5.67) and (71.52 ± 5.18) in before and after thermocycling respectively (P < 0.0001). Fatigue resistance was the highest for group O (1310.8 ± 196.7), and the lowest for group R (905.4 ± 170.51) with a significant difference between groups (P < 0.0001). Crown group had the highest percentage (80%) of catastrophic failure, while, overlay group exhibited the lowest (20%).



CONCLUSIONS: Direct restoration without cuspal coverage using ribbon fibers with short FRC provided better marginal adaptation than indirect overlays and crowns, but fatigue resistance wasn't significantly improved. Adhesive ceramic overlays showed the best fatigue performance and the least catastrophic failure rate compared to both direct fiber-reinforced composite and indirect ceramic full coverage restorations.



CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Indirect adhesive overlays are a suitable, more conservative restorative option for endodontically treated teeth than full coverage restorations, especially when tooth structure is severely compromised.