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BMC Oral Health.2024 Jun;24(1):697.


Prospective study on health-related quality of life, oral mucositis and oral health on during treatment of head and neck cancer.

PMID: 38879501




BACKGROUND: Few studies have examined health related Quality of Life (HR-QoL) during the treatment of head and neck cancer (HNC) with even fewer focusing on the impact of oral mucositis (OM) on HR-QoL. Studies performed during treatment of HNC makes it possible to follow fluctuations in HR-QoL, OM and other treatment related side effects. The aim was to prospectively analyze HR-QoL, changes in clinical variables and the impact of OM on HR-QoL during HNC treatment.


患者は根治的がん治療を開始する前に募集され、がん治療中は毎週専門家による口腔ケアを受けた。HR-QoLは、EORTC QOL質問票C30およびH&N35を用いて、治療前、治療中(2週目、4週目、6週目)および治療後3ヵ月目に報告され、刺激された全唾液分泌量は同じ時点で測定された。OM(紅斑および潰瘍形成)は、口腔粘膜炎評価尺度(OMAS)を用いて、ベースライン時、治療中および治療後に毎週登録した。異なる時点でのHR-QoLの差異を分析した。HR-QoLに対するOMの影響を分析するために、患者をOMなし/軽度OM(OMAS潰瘍スコア0~1)または重度OM(OMAS潰瘍スコア≧2)の2群に分類し、治療中の3つのタイムポイントにおいて2つのOM群間でHR-QoLを比較した。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients were recruited before commencing curative cancer treatment and were given professional oral care weekly during oncologic treatment. HR-QoL was reported before, during (week 2, 4 and 6) and three months after treatment using the EORTC Quality of Life questionnaires C30 and H&N35 and the stimulated whole salivary secretion rate was determined at the same time-points. OM (erythema and ulceration) was registered using the Oral Mucositis Assessment Scale (OMAS), at baseline, weekly during treatment and post treatment. Differences in HR-QoL between different timepoints were analyzed. To analyze the impact of OM on HR-QoL the patients were categorized into two groups: no/mild OM (OMAS ulceration score 0-1) or severe OM (OMAS ulceration score ≥ 2) and HR-QoL was compared between the two OM groups at three timepoints during treatment.



RESULTS: Fifty-seven patients (43 men, 14 women), with a mean age of 58 years were included. Patients reported progressively impaired HR-QoL, with peak issues noted at weeks 4 and 6, particularly in social eating, senses, appetite loss, sticky saliva, and decreasing salivary secretion rates were determined. Patients with severe OM reported worse HR-QoL compared to those with no/mild OM. Persistent problems 3 months post treatment were appetite loss, dry mouth, senses (smell and taste) and problems with social eating.



CONCLUSION: Patients experienced exacerbated symptoms and problems weeks 4 and 6 of oncological treatment, especially among those with severe OM, stressing the importance of clinically monitoring the patients to reduce and alleviate their symptoms. Persistent problems three months post treatment are likely associated with the reduced salivary secretion rate indicating that patients should be monitored also after completed oncological treatment.