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J Endod.2024 Jun;


Sodium Hypochlorite Concentration and Post-Endodontic Pain - Unveiling the Optimal Balance: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

PMID: 38880472




INTRODUCTION: This study systematically reviewed literature regarding the effect of different concentrations of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) used during root canal treatment (RCT) on post-endodontic pain (PEP) and rescue analgesia.


PROSPERO (CRD42023388916) への登録後、PubMed、Scopus、Web of Science、Embase の各データベースを用いて検索を行った。RCTを受けた患者を対象とし、異なる時間間隔でPEPを評価したランダム化比較試験(RaCT)を対象とした。データ抽出とCochrane risk of bias assessment 2に続いて、最初の48時間におけるPEPをレスキュー鎮痛薬摂取とともに評価するメタアナリシスを実施した。エビデンスの確実性は、Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluationの手法を用いて評価した。

METHODS: Following registration with PROSPERO (CRD42023388916), a search was conducted using PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Embase databases. Randomized controlled trials (RaCTs) of patients receiving RCT which assessed PEP at different time intervals were included. Following data extraction and Cochrane risk of bias assessment 2, meta-analyses were performed to evaluate PEP during the first 48h along with rescue analgesic intake. The certainty of the evidence was evaluated using the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation approach.


674人の患者を対象とした5件のRaCTが組み入れられた。1件の研究ではバイアスリスクが低かったが、4件では何らかの懸念が示された。低濃度のNaOCl(≦3%)で治療された患者は、高濃度のNaOCl(≧5%)と比較して、24時間後(OR=2.32; [95%CI, 1.63-3.31]; P<0.05)および48時間後(OR=2.49; [95%CI, 1.73-3.59]; P<0.05)にPEPを報告する可能性が有意に低かった。さらに、低濃度のNaOClでは、24時間後(OR=2.32; [95%CI, 1.47-3.62]; P<0.05)および48時間後(OR=2.35; [95%CI, 1.32-4.16]; P<0.05)に中等度-重度のPEPが有意に少なく、鎮痛の必要性も少なかった(OR=2.43; [95%CI, 1.48-4.00]; P<0.05)。

RESULTS: Five RaCTs with 674 patients were included. One study exhibited a low risk of bias, while four raised some concerns. Patients treated with low concentrations of NaOCl (≤3%) were significantly less likely to report PEP at 24h (OR=2.32; [95%CI, 1.63-3.31]; P<0.05) and 48h (OR=2.49; [95% CI,1.73-3.59]; P<0.05) as compared with high concentrations of NaOCl (≥5%). Furthermore, with low concentrations of NaOCl, significantly lesser moderate-severe PEP was reported at 24h (OR=2.32; [95%CI, 1.47-3.62]; P<0.05) and 48h (OR=2.35; [95%CI, 1.32-4.16]; P<0.05) and lesser analgesia was needed (OR=2.43; [95%CI, 1.48-4.00]; P<0.05).



CONCLUSIONS: While PEP can be influenced by several factors, low certainty evidence suggests that when NaOCl is used as an irrigant during RCT, PEP may be less likely with lower concentrations of NaOCl. Moderate certainty evidence indicates that lesser analgesia may be required with lower concentrations of NaOCl. These results should be cautiously interpreted.