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J Pharm Bioallied Sci.2024 Apr;16(Suppl 2):S1808-S1810.


Effect of Early Orthodontic Treatment on Long-Term Stability of Class II Malocclusions.

PMID: 38882812




BACKGROUND: Class II malocclusions are a common orthodontic problem, often requiring comprehensive treatment to achieve proper occlusion and facial harmony. Early orthodontic intervention in the mixed dentition phase has been advocated to address these issues.



MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective analysis was conducted on a cohort of 150 patients with class II malocclusions who underwent early orthodontic treatment between the ages of 7 and 10 years. The treatment included fixed or removable appliances, headgear, and functional appliances, depending on individual needs. Records of their initial malocclusion severity, treatment modalities, and long-term follow-up data (mean follow-up duration of 10 years) were collected and analyzed. Stability was assessed by evaluating overjet and overbite changes from post-treatment to the long-term follow-up.


初期のオーバージェットとオーバーバイトの平均値は、それぞれ8.5mmと4.0mmであった。早期矯正介入後、これらの値はそれぞれ3.0mmと1.5mmに有意に減少した(< 0.001)。長期経過観察では、オーバージェットとオーバーバイトの平均値はそれぞれ3.2mmと1.6mmで安定していた。解析の結果、85%の患者が臨床的に許容される範囲内でII級咬合の矯正状態を維持し、15%の患者が最小限の追加治療を必要とする軽度の再発を経験した。

RESULTS: The initial mean overjet and overbite values were 8.5 mm and 4.0 mm, respectively. Following early orthodontic intervention, these values were significantly reduced to 3.0 mm and 1.5 mm, respectively ( < 0.001). At the long-term follow-up, the mean overjet and overbite remained stable at 3.2 mm and 1.6 mm, respectively. Analysis revealed that 85% of patients maintained their corrected class II occlusion within clinically acceptable limits, while 15% experienced minor relapse requiring minimal additional treatment.



CONCLUSION: Early orthodontic treatment in class II malocclusions can lead to significant improvements in overjet and overbite, and these corrections tend to remain stable over the long term.