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J Pharm Bioallied Sci.2024 Apr;16(Suppl 2):S1404-S1408.


Stereomicroscope-Based Study Evaluating the Marginal and Internal Fit of PEEK and PEKK Crowns.

PMID: 38882827



ポリエーテルエーテルケトン(PEEK)とポリエーテルケトンケトン(PEKK)クラウンのインターナルマージとマージナルパーフェクションを実体顕微鏡下で比較することがin vitro研究の目的である。

PURPOSE: The aim of the in vitro study was to compare the internal merge and marginal perfection of polyetheretherketone (PEEK) and polyetherketoneketone (PEKK) crowns under a stereomicroscope.


上顎第一小臼歯にオールセラミック調製を行い、ワックスブロックにマウントしたものを3Shapeスキャナーでスキャンし、PEEKとPEKKクラウンを装着するための30個のアクリル製CAD/CAM金型(=15個)に複製した。YENADENTミリングシステムを使用し、グループAのPEEKクラウンを15本、グループBのPEKKクラウンを15本作製した。メーカーの指示に従い、デュアルキュアレジン合着剤(Rely X U200 Self-Adhesive resin, 3M, Germany)をミキシングパッドに等量分注した後、セメントと混合し、合着した指圧冠でコーピングの内面に塗布した。その後、一元配置分散分析(post hoc)を行い、Dunnettの検定を行った。

METHODS: All-ceramic preparation is done on the maxillary first premolar which is mounted on the wax block which was scanned using 3Shape scanner and duplicated into 30 acrylic CAD/CAM dies ( = 15) for the placement of PEEK and PEKK crowns. The YENADENT milling system was used to fabricate 15 samples from Group A PEEK crowns and to fabricate 15 samples from Group B PEKK crowns. According to the manufacturer's instructions, an equal amount of the dual-cure resin luting agent (Rely X U200 Self-Adhesive resin, 3M, Germany) was dispensed on the mixing pad before being mixed with cement and painted on the internal surfaces of the copings with the finger pressure crowns which were luted. The values were then analyzed using one-way ANOVA (post hoc) followed by Dunnett's -test.


2つのグループのうち、PEEKグループの材料は、マージナルフィットの平均値(28.73.3 ± 4.01)およびインターナルギャップの平均値(26.72 ± 2.53)が最も低かったのに対し、PEKKグループの平均値はそれぞれ(32.85 ± 4.63)および(33.06 ± 4.14)であった。

RESULTS: Among those two groups, PEEK group materials showed the lowest mean value of (28.73.3 ± 4.01) for marginal fit and (26.72 ± 2.53) for internal gap, whereas PEKK group showed a mean value of (32.85 ± 4.63) and (33.06 ± 4.14), respectively.



CONCLUSION: Among these two groups, comparatively less marginal fit and internal adaptation is seen in PEKK when compared to the PEEK crowns. While the marginal fit and internal adaptation of both PEEK and PEKK copings were in acceptable clinical range.