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J Pharm Bioallied Sci.2024 Apr;16(Suppl 2):S1423-S1425.


Effect of Child Health Drinks on Color Stability of Various Aesthetic Restorative Materials - An Study.

PMID: 38882833




INTRODUCTION: In pediatric dentistry, the esthetically pleasing materials have tremendously changed the concept of restorative practice.



AIM AND OBJECTIVES: 1. The aim of the study is to evaluate the effect of child health drinks on color stability of various esthetic restorative materials via spectrophotometric analysis and to identify the esthetic restorative material that is color-stable against child health drinks.


コンポジットレジン(Dyract),ジオマー(松風),コンポジットレジン(GC)を用いて,直径12 mm,厚さ2 mmの円盤状試験片を120枚作製した.各試料40個を4つのサブグループに分けた。各サブグループは、蒸留水、Bournvita、Horlicks、Pediasureという異なる溶液に60日間保存した。染色前と染色後の色の変化を分光光度計で測定した。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 120 disk-shaped specimens with a diameter of 12 mm and a thickness of 2 mm were made from a composite (Dyract), giomer (Shofu), and composite (GC). Each group of 40 specimens of each material was divided into four sub-groups. Each sub-group was stored in different solutions, distilled water, Bournvita, Horlicks, and Pediasure, for 60 days. The color change measurement was done using a spectrophotometer both before and after staining.


一元配置分散分析の結果、修復材料のΔE値を各子供用健康飲料と比較したところ、すべての子供用健康飲料の間で統計的に有意な差があった(< 0.00001)。修復材を60日間継続した染色剤と比較したところ、PediasureとControlを除き、その他(すなわちHorlicksとBournvita)は統計的に高い有意差(< 0.05)を示した。

RESULT: One-way analysis of variance depicted that when the ΔE values of the restorative material were tested against each of the child health drink, there was a statistically significant difference between all child health drinks ( < 0.00001). When restorative materials were compared with the staining agent on 60 days duration, except Pediasure and Control, others (i.e. Horlicks and Bournvita) showed a statistically high significance ( < 0.05).



CONCLUSION: Bournvita caused the highest color changes in 60 days time interval, followed by Horlicks and Pediasure. When the discoloration of several materials is studied, the highest level of discoloration was observed in the compomer, followed by the giomer, and the lowest level in the composite.