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Saudi Dent J.2024 Jun;36(6):887-893.


Evaluation of periodontal parameters on abutment teeth rehabilitated with single-unit crowns: A 12-month follow-up.

PMID: 38883896




PURPOSE: This prospective study evaluated the effects of the metal-free crowns on the periodontal tissues of abutment teeth during a 12-month follow-up.


1歯のみの修復が必要な患者24例(N=32支台歯)を登録し、メタルセラミック(N=21)または二ケイ酸リチウム(N=11)のいずれかを装着した。ベースライン時、3ヵ月後、12ヵ月後に単冠を評価した。歯周病パラメータは、プラーク指数(PI)、歯肉出血指数(GBI)、プロービング時出血(BOP)、プロービングデプス(PD)、臨床的アタッチメントロス(CAL)、X線写真および臨床的クラウン適合、骨吸収、マージナルフィニッシュラインを評価した。統計分析は、Fisher検定とMann-Whitney検定、およびFriedman(95%信頼区間)の事後検定としてWilcoxon signed-rank検定を用いて行った。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A sample of 24 patients (N = 32 abutment teeth) who needed a single-tooth restoration were enrolled to receive either a metal-ceramic (n = 21) or lithium disilicate (n = 11). The single-unit crowns were evaluated at baseline, 3-and 12-month follow-up. The periodontal parameters were evaluated: plaque index (PI), gingival bleeding index (GBI), bleeding on probing (BOP), probing depth (PD), clinical attachment loss (CAL), radiographically and clinical crown fitting, bone resorption, and marginal finish lines. Statistical analyses were performed using the Exact Fisher and Mann-Whitney tests, and the Wilcoxon signed-rank test as a post hoc test for Friedman (95 % confidence interval).



RESULTS: The marginal finish line showed a statistical difference with a biomaterial type (p =.004). After a 12-months, a significant increase was observed in PI and mean PD for abutment teeth of metal-ceramic crowns. The metal-free crowns presented higher values for GBI and CAL (p < 0.05). Only distal cervical evaluation and dental biofilm formation in the abutment teeth showed a statistical difference between the groups at the 12-month follow-up. The supragingival margin metal-ceramic group revealed higher PI values (p = 0.005) between the period and the subgingival margin of both biomaterials showed greater GBI scores (p < 0.05).



CONCLUSIONS: Metal-free crowns showed better periodontal outcomes compared to metal-ceramic crowns. Single-unit crown marginal location affects the periodontal tissue condition of the abutment teeth. The marginal fit was not changed regarding the biomaterial type.