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J Prosthet Dent.2024 Jun;

異なる長さのヒーリングアバットメントを用いた場合の締め付けトルクに及ぼす歯ブラシ方法の影響:in vitro試験

Influence of toothbrushing methods on tightening torque with healing abutments of different lengths: An in vitro study.

PMID: 38897844




STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Early tightening torque at the implant-healing abutment interface is a recognized concern in implant treatment. However, little is known regarding the effects of toothbrushing methods on the interface established between the implant and healing abutments of different heights.


このin vitro研究の目的は、異なる高さのヒーリングアバットメントの締め付けトルクに対する異なる歯ブラシ方法の影響を評価することである。

PURPOSE: The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of different toothbrushing methods on tightening torque for healing abutments of different heights.


合計60本のインプラント(Bilimplant; Proimtech)をエポキシ樹脂ブロックに埋入した。以下の6つの試験群を設定した:手動歯ブラシ群(Oral B Pro Expert All in one; Oral B)と高さ4mm(MTB-4、コントロール)、高さ6mm(MTB-6、コントロール)、音波歯ブラシ群(Philips Sonicare 3100 Series; Philips Oral Healthcare)と高さ4mm(S-4)、高さ6mm(S-6)、振動/回転歯ブラシ群(Oral B Smart 6 6000N; Oral B)と高さ4mm(OR-4)、高さ6mm(OR-6)。各試験片は15Ncmで締め付けられ、ブラッシングされた。デジタルトルクメーター(Cap Torque Tester Series TT01;Mark10)を用いて逆トルク値を算出した。

MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 60 implants (Bilimplant; Proimtech) were embedded in epoxy resin blocks. The following 6 test groups were established: healing abutments with manual toothbrush group (Oral B Pro Expert All in one; Oral B) and 4 mm height (MTB-4, (which served as the control); 6 mm height (MTB-6, which served as the control); sonic toothbrush group (Philips Sonicare 3100 Series; Philips Oral Healthcare) and 4 mm height (S-4); 6 mm height (S-6); oscillating/rotating toothbrush group (Oral B Smart 6 6000N; Oral B) and 4 mm height (OR-4) and 6 mm height (OR-6). Each specimen was tightened to 15 Ncm and brushed. The digital torque meter (Cap Torque Tester Series TT01; Mark10) was used to calculate the reverse torque values.



RESULTS: The highest torque loss value in the average torque losses in the test groups was 1.3 (OR-6); the lowest was 0.3 (S-4). While a significant difference was found between groups S-4 and S-6 (P=.018), no statistically significant difference was found among the other groups (P>.05).



CONCLUSIONS: Torque loss was greater in the healing abutment with a height of 6 mm and with the oscillatory and rotational brushing method.