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Cochrane Database Syst Rev.2024 Jun;6(6):CD007693.


Topical fluoride as a cause of dental fluorosis in children.

PMID: 38899538




BACKGROUND: This is an update of a review first published in 2010. Use of topical fluoride has become more common over time. Excessive fluoride consumption from topical fluorides in young children could potentially lead to dental fluorosis in permanent teeth.



OBJECTIVES: To describe the relationship between the use of topical fluorides in young children and the risk of developing dental fluorosis in permanent teeth.


Cochrane Oral Health Trials Register、CENTRAL、MEDLINE、Embase、その他3つのデータベース、および2つの臨床試験登録の電子検索を実施した。関連論文の参考文献リストも検索した。最新の検索日は2022年7月28日であった。

SEARCH METHODS: We carried out electronic searches of the Cochrane Oral Health Trials Register, CENTRAL, MEDLINE, Embase, three other databases, and two trials registers. We searched the reference lists of relevant articles. The latest search date was 28 July 2022.



SELECTION CRITERIA: We included randomized controlled trials (RCTs), quasi-RCTs, cohort studies, case-control studies, and cross-sectional surveys comparing fluoride toothpaste, mouth rinses, gels, foams, paint-on solutions, and varnishes to a different fluoride therapy, placebo, or no intervention. Upon the introduction of topical fluorides, the target population was children under six years of age.



DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: We used standard methodological procedures expected by Cochrane and used GRADE to assess the certainty of the evidence. The primary outcome measure was the percentage prevalence of fluorosis in the permanent teeth. Two authors extracted data from all included studies. In cases where both adjusted and unadjusted risk ratios or odds ratios were reported, we used the adjusted value in the meta-analysis.


43件の研究を対象とした:3件のRCT、4件のコホート研究、10件の症例対照研究、26件の横断調査。3件のRCT、1件のコホート研究、1件の症例対照研究、および6件の横断研究はすべて、バイアスのリスクに若干の懸念があると判断した。その他の観察研究はすべてバイアスのリスクが高いと判断した。研究を5つの比較に分類した。比較1.小児がフッ化物配合歯磨剤による歯みがきを開始した年齢 2件のコホート研究(小児260人)から、小児がフッ化物配合歯磨剤を使用して歯みがきを開始した時期が12ヵ月以前と12ヵ月以降との関連とフッ素症の発症との関連について非常に不確実なエビデンスが得られた(リスク比(RR)0.98、95%信頼区間(CI)0.81~1.18;非常に不確実性の低いエビデンス)。同様に、コホート研究1件(小児3939人)および横断研究2件(小児1484人)から得られたエビデンスは、小児がブラッシングにフッ化物配合歯磨剤を使用し始めるのが生後24ヵ月以前か以後か(RR 0.83、95%信頼区間(CI)0.61~1.13;信頼性の非常に低いエビデンス)、または4歳以前か以後か(オッズ比(OR)1.60、95%CI 0.77~3.35;信頼性の非常に低いエビデンス)との関連について、それぞれ非常に不確実なエビデンスを示した。比較2。フッ化物配合歯磨剤による歯磨きの頻度 2件の症例対照研究(258人の小児)では、1日2回未満の小児と1日2回以上の小児の歯磨きとフッ素症の発症との関連について、非常に不確実な証拠を提供した(OR 1.63、95%CI 0.81~3.28;非常に不確実性の低い証拠)。2つの横断調査(1693人の小児)により、1日1回未満のブラッシングと1日1回以上のブラッシングは、小児のフッ素症の発症の減少に関連する可能性が示された(OR 0.62、95%CI 0.53~0.74、信頼性の低い証拠)。比較3。歯磨きに使用するフッ化物配合歯磨剤の量 2件の症例対照研究(258人の小児)から、歯磨剤の使用量が刷毛の半分未満である小児と刷毛の半分以上である小児とのフッ素症発症との関連について、非常に不確実な証拠が得られた(OR 0.77、95%CI 0.41~1.46;非常に確実性の低い証拠)。横断調査によるエビデンスも非常に不確実であった(OR 0.92、95%CI 0.66~1.28;3研究、2037人の小児;非常に不確実性の低いエビデンス)。比較4.2件のRCT(1968人の小児)から、6歳未満の小児が使用する歯磨剤のフッ化物濃度が低いほどフッ素症発症リスクが低下する可能性が高いというエビデンスが得られた:フッ化物550ppm対1000ppm(RR 0.75、95%CI 0.57~0.99;中等度確実性のエビデンス);フッ化物440ppm対1450ppm(RR 0.72、95%CI 0.58~0.89;中等度確実性のエビデンス)。歯磨き開始年齢はそれぞれ24ヵ月と12ヵ月であった。2件の症例対照研究(258人の小児)により、1000ppm未満のフッ化物濃度と1000ppm以上のフッ化物濃度との間のフッ素症の発症との関連について、非常に不確実なエビデンスが得られた(OR 0.89、95%CI 0.52~1.52;非常に不確実性の低いエビデンス)。比較5。局所フッ化物ワニスを塗布した年齢 1件のRCT(123人の小児)から、4歳以前にフッ化物ワニスを塗布した場合と塗布しなかった場合とフッ素症の発症との間にほとんど差がない可能性があるという証拠が得られた(RR 0.77、95%CI 0.45~1.31;信頼性の低い証拠)。2つの横断調査(982人の小児)から、4歳前のフッ化物ワニス外用塗布は小児のフッ素症の発症と関連する可能性があるという確信度の低い証拠が得られた(OR 2.18、95%CI 1.46~3.25)。

MAIN RESULTS: We included 43 studies: three RCTs, four cohort studies, 10 case-control studies, and 26 cross-sectional surveys. We judged all three RCTs, one cohort study, one case-control study, and six cross-sectional studies to have some concerns for risk of bias. We judged all other observational studies to be at high risk of bias. We grouped the studies into five comparisons. Comparison 1. Age at which children started toothbrushing with fluoride toothpaste Two cohort studies (260 children) provided very uncertain evidence regarding the association between children starting to use fluoride toothpaste for brushing at or before 12 months versus after 12 months and the development of fluorosis (risk ratio (RR) 0.98, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.81 to 1.18; very low-certainty evidence). Similarly, evidence from one cohort study (3939 children) and two cross-sectional studies (1484 children) provided very uncertain evidence regarding the association between children starting to use fluoride toothpaste for brushing before or after the age of 24 months (RR 0.83, 95% CI 0.61 to 1.13; very low-certainty evidence) or before or after four years (odds ratio (OR) 1.60, 95% CI 0.77 to 3.35; very low-certainty evidence), respectively. Comparison 2. Frequency of toothbrushing with fluoride toothpaste Two case-control studies (258 children) provided very uncertain evidence regarding the association between children brushing less than twice per day versus twice or more per day and the development of fluorosis (OR 1.63, 95% CI 0.81 to 3.28; very low-certainty evidence). Two cross-sectional surveys (1693 children) demonstrated that brushing less than once per day versus once or more per day may be associated with a decrease in the development of fluorosis in children (OR 0.62, 95% CI 0.53 to 0.74; low-certainty evidence). Comparison 3. Amount of fluoride toothpaste used for toothbrushing Two case-control studies (258 children) provided very uncertain evidence regarding the association between children using less than half a brush of toothpaste, versus half or more of the brush, and the development of fluorosis (OR 0.77, 95% CI 0.41 to 1.46; very low-certainty evidence). The evidence from cross-sectional surveys was also very uncertain (OR 0.92, 95% CI 0.66 to 1.28; 3 studies, 2037 children; very low-certainty evidence). Comparison 4. Fluoride concentration in toothpaste There was evidence from two RCTs (1968 children) that lower fluoride concentration in the toothpaste used by children under six years of age likely reduces the risk of developing fluorosis: 550 parts per million (ppm) fluoride versus 1000 ppm (RR 0.75, 95% CI 0.57 to 0.99; moderate-certainty evidence); 440 ppm fluoride versus 1450 ppm (RR 0.72, 95% CI 0.58 to 0.89; moderate-certainty evidence). The age at which the toothbrushing commenced was 24 months and 12 months, respectively. Two case-control studies (258 children) provided very uncertain evidence regarding the association between fluoride concentrations under 1000 ppm, versus concentrations of 1000 ppm or above, and the development of fluorosis (OR 0.89, 95% CI 0.52 to 1.52; very low-certainty evidence). Comparison 5. Age at which topical fluoride varnish was applied There was evidence from one RCT (123 children) that there may be little to no difference between a fluoride varnish application before four years, versus no application, and the development of fluorosis (RR 0.77, 95% CI 0.45 to 1.31; low-certainty evidence). There was low-certainty evidence from two cross-sectional surveys (982 children) that the application of topical fluoride varnish before four years of age may be associated with the development of fluorosis in children (OR 2.18, 95% CI 1.46 to 3.25).



AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Most evidence identified mild fluorosis as a potential adverse outcome of using topical fluoride at an early age. There is low- to very low-certainty and inconclusive evidence on the risk of having fluorosis in permanent teeth for: when a child starts receiving topical fluoride varnish application; toothbrushing with fluoride toothpaste; the amount of toothpaste used by the child; and the frequency of toothbrushing. Moderate-certainty evidence from RCTs showed that children who brushed with 1000 ppm or more fluoride toothpaste from one to two years of age until five to six years of age probably had an increased chance of developing dental fluorosis in permanent teeth. It is unethical to propose new RCTs to assess the development of dental fluorosis. However, future RCTs focusing on dental caries prevention could record children's exposure to topical fluoride sources in early life and evaluate the dental fluorosis in their permanent teeth as a long-term outcome. In the absence of these studies and methods, further research in this area will come from observational studies. Attention needs to be given to the choice of study design, bearing in mind that prospective controlled studies will be less susceptible to bias than retrospective and uncontrolled studies.