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Am J Dent.2024 Jun;37(3):164-168.


Influence of different abutment materials on the color of implant-supported restoration: A laboratory study.

PMID: 38899998




PURPOSE: To investigate the effect of different abutments and crowns on the color of implant-supported restorations.



METHODS: Zirconia and lithium disilicate (e.max) disks with A2 shade were fabricated to represent two crowns. The implant abutments were untreated titanium, opaqued titanium, anodized titanium, A2 shade zirconia and white zirconia. 4.0 mm-thickness zirconia and e.max specimens were used as references respectively. The crowns were placed on tested abutments with a drop of clear glycerin between them and the color was measured using a digital spectrophotometer. CIELab values were recorded to evaluate color differences (ΔE) between tested specimens and the references.



RESULTS: Titanium abutments presented higher color differences than zirconia. The ΔE values with untreated titanium were higher than those with opaqued titanium. No differences were found between untreated titanium and anodized titanium for zirconia crowns. The ΔE values of zirconia crowns showed no significant differences between shade A2 zirconia and white zirconia abutments; e.max crowns showed a significant difference. The zirconia crown ΔE values were lower than those of e.max for all titanium and A2 zirconia abutments. Lithium disilicate crowns and zirconia abutments may be more suitable for implant-supported restorations. Opaqued titanium abutment may improve color in esthetic regions when a ceramic abutment cannot be used.


二ケイ酸リチウムクラウンとジルコニアアバットメントは、インプラント支 持修復物の審美的領域において、優れた色調適合を達成する有効な方法 であると考えられる。

CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Lithium disilicate crowns and zirconia abutments may be an effective method to achieve excellent color matching in esthetic regions with implant-supported restorations.