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Chest.2024 Jun;


Comparing BIS Monitoring vs. Clinical Assessment for Deep Sedation in the ICU: Effects on Delirium Reduction and Sedative Drug Doses - A randomized trial.

PMID: 38901489




BACKGROUND: Sedative overdoses pose a delirium risk among Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients, with potential mitigation through the use of a processed EEG monitor (BIS) to guide depth of sedation.


BISによる深い鎮静(RASS -4、-5)は鎮静薬の投与量を減らし、せん妄のない昏睡のない(DFCF)日数を増やすことができるか?

RESEARCH QUESTION: Can BIS-guided deep sedation (RASS -4, -5) reduce sedative dosage and increase delirium-free and coma-free (DFCF) days?


三次混合ICUにおいて、8時間以上の深部鎮静を必要とする患者を登録し、ランダム化比較試験を実施した。患者はClinical Assessment(CA)群またはBIS群(BIS範囲は40~60)に無作為に割り付けられた。両群ともBISセンサーを使用し、CA群の画面はカバーされたままであった。深鎮静後、BISセンサーは外され、無作為化について盲検化された研究者によりせん妄が1日2回評価された。主要アウトカムは、深鎮静後14日以内のDFCF日数であった。さらに、鎮静薬の投与量と深鎮静中のBIS値を比較した。

STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: A randomized controlled trial was conducted in a tertiary mixed ICU, enrolling patients requiring deep sedation for >8 hours. Patients were randomly assigned to either the Clinical Assessment (CA) or BIS groups (BIS range of 40-60). Both groups utilized a BIS sensor, while the CA group's screen remained covered. After deep sedation, BIS sensors were removed, and delirium was assessed twice daily by researchers blinded to the randomization. The primary outcome was the number of DFCF days within 14 days after deep sedation. Additionally, we compared doses of sedative drugs and BIS values during deep sedation.


99例が研究に組み入れられた。CA群とBIS群でDFCFに有意差はみられなかったが(p=0.1)、プロポフォールの投与量はBIS群で有意に少なかった(CA群1.77mg/kg/hr [95% CI 1.60, 1.93] vs. BIS群1.44mg/kg/hr [95% CI 1.04, 1.83]; p=0.03)。深い鎮静の間、BIS値が40未満であった時間は、CA群が全体の46%(95%CI 35, 57%)であったのに対し、BIS群は32%(95%CI 25, 40%)であった(p=0.03)。24時間以上鎮静された患者に焦点をあてたサブグループ解析では、BIS群でDFCFの増加がみられた(CA群中央値1日[IQR 0、9] vs. BIS群8日[IQR 0、13];p=0.04)。

RESULTS: Ninety-nine patients were included in the study. We found no significant difference in DFCF (p=0.1) between CA and BIS arms, but propofol doses were significantly lower in the BIS group (CA group 1.77 mg/kg/hr [95% CI 1.60, 1.93] vs. BIS group 1.44 mg/kg/hr [95% CI 1.04, 1.83]; p=0.03). During deep sedation, the CA group spent 46% of the total hours (95% CI 35, 57%) with BIS values below 40, whereas the BIS group spent 32% (95% CI 25, 40%), (p=0.03). Subgroup analysis focusing on patients sedated for more than 24 hours revealed an increase in DFCF in the BIS group (CA group median of 1 day [IQR 0, 9] vs. BIS group 8 days [IQR 0, 13]; p=0.04).



INTERPRETATION: BIS-guided deep sedation did not improve DFCF days but reduced sedative drug use. In patients requiring sedation for more than 24 hours, it showed an improvement in DFCF days.