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J Dent.2024 Aug;147:105141.

幼児期のう蝕予防における 3 種類のフッ化物歯面塗布剤を比較する無作為化臨床試験

Randomized clinical trial to compare three fluoride varnishes in preventing early childhood caries.

PMID: 38901821




OBJECTIVES: To compare the effectiveness of two 5% sodium fluoride (NaF) varnishes containing casein phosphopeptide amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP) (MI Varnish) or tricalcium phosphate (TCP) (Clinpro White) to the conventional 5% NaF varnish (Duraphat®) in preventing early childhood caries (ECC) in high-risk preschool children.


二重盲検無作為化対照試験では、両親から書面によるインフォームドコンセントを得た後、少なくとも1つのう蝕病巣(前う蝕またはう蝕)を有する健康な3~4歳児(N = 582)を募集した。コンピューターで作成した乱数表を用いて、小児を3群のいずれかに割り付けた:対照群(n = 196):対照群(n = 196):5%NaFワニス(デュラファット®)、2つの試験群:TCP配合5%NaF(クリンプロ™ホワイト)(n = 193)およびCPP-ACP配合5%NaFワニス(MIワニス™)(n = 193)に割り付け、24ヵ月にわたって四半期ごと(3ヵ月ごと)に塗布した。

METHODS: A double-blinded, randomized controlled trial recruited healthy 3-4-year-old children (N = 582) having at least one carious lesion (pre-cavitated or cavitated) after obtaining written informed consent from parents. Using a computer-generated random-number table, children were assigned to one of the 3 groups: Control group (n = 196): 5% NaF varnish (Duraphat®) or two test groups: 5% NaF with TCP (Clinpro™ White) (n = 193) and 5% NaF varnish with CPP-ACP (MI Varnish™) (n = 193) to receive quarterly (every 3 months) application over 24 months.


2年間の新規う蝕発生率は、MIワニス™群(n = 125)で59.2%、クリンプロ™ホワイト群(n = 129)で65.1%、デュラファット®群(n = 127)で66.1%であった(p = 0.466)。空洞化病変の平均増加率は、非空洞化う蝕病変の平均増加率(p = 0.223)と同様に、3群間で有意差はなかった(p = 0.714)。フッ化物ワニスの総塗布量の分布は3群間で有意差はなかった(p=0.630)。また、各群の小児のフッ化物歯面塗布回数の違いによる治療成績の比較においても有意差は認められなかった。

RESULTS: Incidence of new caries over 2 years was 59.2% in MI Varnish™ group (n = 125), 65.1% in the Clinpro™ White group (n = 129) and 66.1% in the Duraphat® group (n = 127) (p = 0.466). The mean cavitated lesions increment was not significant among the 3 groups (p = 0.714), as was the mean increment in non-cavitated carious lesions (p = 0.223). There was no significant difference (p = 0.630) in the distribution of total fluoride varnish applications among the three groups. Also, no significant difference was found in comparison of outcomes among the different number of fluoride varnish applications received by children in each group.



CONCLUSIONS: Both calcium- and phosphate-containing NaF varnishes showed similar efficacy against cavitated and non-cavitated carious lesions as compared to conventional NaF varnish in high-risk preschool children.



CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Randomized trial provided a crucial opportunity to advance the understanding of the clinical effectiveness of different fluoride varnishes in preventing early childhood caries. Varnishes containing tricalcium phosphate or casein phosphopeptide amorphous calcium phosphate when compared to sodium fluoride varnish, demonstrated a similar efficacy against early childhood caries in high caries-risk preschool children.