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J Dev Behav Pediatr.2024 Jun;


Educational Values of Latino Families Participating in a School Readiness Intervention: Hopes and Implications for Pediatrics.

PMID: 38904654




OBJECTIVE: To explore Latino parents' educational values and hopes for their preschool-aged children after a clinic school readiness (SR) intervention.


新規のSRコーチング介入(2016-2017年)に対するラテン系保護者の認識に関する半構造化面接の質的分析。介入を受けた保護者(n = 74)に面接の打診を行い,介入後の59件の面接を英語またはスペイン語で行い,音声録音,文字起こし,英語への翻訳を行った。Dedooseを使用し、3名のチームメンバーにより、47のインタビューについてチームによる反復的なコーディングと帰納的な主題分析が行われた。

METHODS: Qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews of Latino parents regarding their perceptions of a novel SR coaching intervention (2016-2017). Parents who received the intervention were approached for interview (n = 74); 59 postintervention interviews were completed in English or Spanish, audio recorded, transcribed, and translated into English. Iterative team-based coding and inductive thematic analysis of 47 interviews were conducted by 3 team members using Dedoose.



RESULTS: Children were on average 4.5 years old, with the majority speaking Spanish at home (57%), and having preschool experience (81%). Mothers mostly had no paid employment (53%) and limited formal education. Four domains emerged: 1) education is valued and seen as a pathway to a successful life for children, and 2) while structural and cultural barriers exist, 3) Latino families are motivated and 4) trust providers to offer SR support. Parents suggested pediatricians could provide more SR knowledge to families and offer programs within primary care. Integration of findings are summarized in a framework for clinical practice.



CONCLUSION: Latino parents' trust in their pediatric providers, combined with their strong educational aspirations for their children, offers the pediatric clinic an opportunity to partner with families to reduce systemic SR barriers. Pediatric providers can support Latino parents in preparing their children for school through culturally responsive, strengths-based approaches that build on their educational aspirations, value existing SR efforts, offer SR knowledge around early literacy and math, and build connections to early childhood programs.