A comparison of abductor hallucis muscle activation and medial longitudinal arch angle during nine different foot exercises.
PMID: 38905851
BACKGROUND: Intrinsic foot muscles are known to support the medial longitudinal arch (MLA) and stabilize the foot, and they are activated with weight bearing and increased postural demand. Various types of intrinsic foot muscle training have been reported, but one of the most useful of these, the short foot exercise, is challenging to perform effectively and requires practice, making it difficult to implement in ordinary clinical settings.
RESEARCH QUESTION: What are the differences in abductor hallucis longus (ABH) muscle activity and MLA angle during intrinsic foot muscle exercises that employ weight bearing and balancing conditions when they are performed with minimal practice?
METHODS: Sixteen healthy volunteers performed nine different intrinsic foot muscle exercises, practiced once or twice. The exercises consisted of toe curl, short foot without pushing, short foot with pushing and toe spread exercises in sitting and standing positions, and single leg swing in a standing position. Each exercise was performed three times for five seconds. The activities of the ABH muscles were measured using surface electromyographic (EMG) sensors and the MLA angles during the exercises were captured using an optical motion tracking system. The integrals of the ABH EMG signals were calculated.
ABH筋電図信号の積分値と最大値にエクササイズ間で差が認められた(p < 0.001)。ポストホックペアワイズ分析により、座位および立位でのつま先開脚以外の運動、および立位でのプッシュを伴う短足運動と比較して、遊脚運動中のEMG活動が大きいことが明らかになった。各運動中のMLA角度の最小値は、座位でつま先を広げる運動の方が他の運動よりも小さかった(p<0.023)。
RESULTS: Differences in the integral and maximum of the ABH EMG signal were found between the exercises (p < 0.001). Post-hoc pair-wise analysis revealed that the EMG activity was larger during the swing exercise than in exercises other than toe spread, both in sitting and standing positions, and short foot exercise with pushing while standing. The minimum MLA angle during each exercise was smaller for the toe spread exercise in a sitting position than other exercises (p < 0.023).
SIGNIFICANCE: A single leg swing exercise may be effective for self-exercise of intrinsic foot muscles, particularly when intensive supervised physiotherapy is not possible.