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J Endod.2024 Jun;


The influence of bioceramic cements on the activity of macrophages of different lineages: a laboratory study.

PMID: 38908681




INTRODUCTION: The repair process of periradicular tissues depends, among other factors, on the properties of endodontic cements. One of the main cells involved in this process are macrophages.


C57BL/6(MBL6)およびBALB/c(MBalb)マウスからそれぞれ得たマウス腹膜マクロファージを、エンドースクエンスBCシーラー®(BC)、シーラープラスBC®(MK)、バイオCシーラー(Ang)およびMTA®を含むか含まないかのキャピラリーで培養した。細胞生存率は、24、48、72時間後にトリパンブルー法とMTT法で測定した。細胞接着、S. boulardiiの貪食、活性酸素種(ROS)、一酸化窒素(NO)の産生、サイトカインであるTNF-αとTGF-βも評価した。データはANOVA検定を用いて分析した(p<0.05)。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Murine peritoneal macrophages obtained from C57BL/6 (MBL6) and BALB/c (MBalb) mice, respectively, were cultured with capillaries containing or not Endosequence BC Sealer® (BC), Sealer Plus BC® (MK), Bio C Sealer (Ang) and MTA®. Cell viability was measured by trypan blue and MTT methods at 24, 48 and 72 hours. Cell adhesion, phagocytosis of S. boulardii, production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), nitric oxide (NO), and the cytokines TNF-α and TGF-β, were also evaluated. The data were analysed using the ANOVA test (p<0.05).



RESULTS: Cell viability was similar between bioceramic sealers and MTA (p>0.05). There was no statistical difference between both macrophages when adherence and phagocytose were assayed. The presence of inflammation stimulus significantly altered the production of ROS by MBL6 macrophages in contact with the cements. The production of TGF-β was similar for both lineages of macrophages.



CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that the evaluated bioceramic cements do not interfere with MBL6 and MBalb macrophages adhesion, phagocytic capacity, as well as TGF-β production. The cements stimulated the production of ROS by MBL6 macrophages in response to induced inflammation, potentially favouring the elimination of residual pathogens.