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Acta Odontol Latinoam.2024 Apr;37(1):88-95.


Effect of different design and surface treatment on the load-to-failure of ceramic repaired with composite.

PMID: 38920130




UNLABELLED: Glass ceramics are widely used to manufacture esthetic veneers, inlays, onlays, and crowns. Although the clinical survival rates ofglass-ceramic restorations arefavorable,fractures or chips are common. Certain cases can be repaired with direct composite.



AIM: The aim of this study was to investigate the interaction effect of different designs and surface treatments on the load-to-failure of lithium disilicate glass-ceramic repaired with nanofilled composite.


上面に3つの異なるデザイン(フラット、シングルプラトー、ダブルプラトー)(n=U)を有する二ケイ酸リチウムガラスセラミックスラブ(IPS e.max Press, Ivoclar Vivadent)に、「無処置」、「5% HFエッチング」、「AI2O3サンドブラスト」を施した。HFエッチングおよびサンドブラスト処理したスラブには、シランおよびユニバーサルワンステップ接着剤も塗布した。すべてのスラブは、ナノ充填複合材(Filtek Z350、3M ESPE社製)で、最も高いセラミックトッププラトーから6mm上まで段階的に修復された。試験片は、37℃の人工唾液中で21日間保存した後、5~55℃の間で1,000回のサーモサイクルを行った。各試験片の複合セラミック界面を万能試験機で破断するまで引張試験し、実体顕微鏡下で破断モードを決定した。各サブグループ(デザイン/表面処理)の代表的な試験片1個のセラミック表面形態を走査型電子顕微鏡(SEM)で観察した。

MATERIALS AND METHOD: Lithium-disilicate glass-ceramic slabs (IPS e.max Press, Ivoclar Vivadent) with three different designs of the top surface (flat, single plateau, or doubleplateau) (n=U) received 'no treatment', '5% HF etching', or "AI2O3 sandblasting". HF-etched and sandblasted slabs also received silane and universal one-step adhesive application. All slabs were incrementally repaired with nanofilled composite (Filtek Z350, 3M ESPE) up to6 mm above the highest ceramic top plateau. Specimens were stored in artificial saliva at 37 °C for 21 days and then subjected to 1,000 thermocycles between 5 and 55 °C. The interface composite-ceramic of each specimen was tensile tested until failure in a universal testing machine and the mode of failure was determined under a stereomicroscope. The ceramic surface morphology of one representative tested specimen from each subgroup (design/surface treatment) was observed through scanning electron microscopy (SEM).



RESULTS: Regardless of ceramic design, the absence of surface treatment resulted in significantly lower load-to-failure values. No significant differences in load-to-failure values were observed between HF-etched and sandblasted specimens for the flat design; however, HF etching resulted in significantly higher load-to-failure values than sandblasting for both single plateau and double plateau designs. The majority (60%) of HF-etched specimens with single plateau or double plateau presented mixed failures. SEM photomicrographs showed that HF-etched specimens had smoother surfaces than sandblasted specimens.



CONCLUSION: The surface treatment of a defective lithium disilicate glass-ceramic restoration has more influence than its macroscopic design on the retention of the composite repair. HF etching seems to provide higher bond strength to the composite repair.



UNLABELLED: Embora fraturas e lascamento de restauragoes vitrocerámicas sejam comuns, alguns casos podem ser reparados com compósito direto.



OBJETIVO: investigar o efeito da interagao de diferentes formas e tratamentos de superficie na carga de ruptura de uma vitrocerámica reforgada com dissilicato de litio reparada com compósito nanoparticulado.


優れたガラス繊維(IPS e. max Press, Ivoclar V.max Press, Ivoclar Vivadent)を3種類の形状(平面、単板、二重)に調製し、「何も処理しない」、「フッ化水素酸5%で処理する」、「AFOFで処理する」のいずれかを受けた(n=11)。コンディショナ メントを施した種と施した種は、いずれもシラノールとユニバーサル添加剤を摂取する。すべての試料は、最も高いセラミックプレートから6 mmの高さのコンポジット(Filtek Z350、3M ESPE)で少しずつ補修し、37℃の人工唾液に21日間浸漬し、1,000ターモシクル(5℃と55℃)にかけた。各試料の界面組成は、万能試験機で破砕から破砕まで試験し、破砕の程度は電子顕微鏡で判定した。また、電子顕微鏡(MEV)により、代表的な形状/層の表面形状を観察した。

MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: A superficie superior de espécimes de vitroceramica (IPS e.max Press, Ivoclar Vivadent) foi preparada com tres formas (plana, plato único, ou duplo) e recebeu (n=11): ‘nenhum tratamento’, ‘condicionamento com ácido hidrofluoridrico 5%’, ou ‘jateamento com AfOf. Ambos espécimes condicionados e jateados receberam silano e adesivo universal. Todos os espécimes foram reparados incrementalmente com compósito (Filtek Z350, 3M ESPE) até6 mm acima do plato cerámico mais alto, armazenados em saliva artificial á 37 °C por 21 dias, e submetidos á 1.000 termociclos (5 e 55 °C). A interface compósito-cerámica de cada amostra foi testada á tragao até sua falha em máquina universal e o modo de falha foi determinado com estereomicroscópio. A morfologia da superficie de uma amostra representativa de forma/tratamento de superficie foi observada através de microscopia eletronica de varredura (MEV).


セラミックの形状とは無関係に、表面的な処置の有無によって破断の値は有意に小さくなった。コンディショナ メントとジャテメントでは有意な差は観察されなかったが、コンディショナメントはジャテ メントよりも1枚板と2枚板で有意に高い値を示した。また、コンディショナ メントと単一または二重のプラトンを持つespécimesの大部分(60%)はミスを示した。SEM像では、コンディショニングされた個体ではジャテド個体よりも表面的な凹凸が顕著であった。

RESULTADOS: Independentemente da forma ceramica, a ausencia de tratamento superficial resultou em valores de carga de ruptura significativamente menores. Nao foi observada differenga significativa entre os espécimes planos condicionados ou jateados; no entanto, o condicionamento resultou em valores significativamente maiores que o jateamento para espécimes com plato único e duplo. A maioria (60%) dos espécimes condicionados e com plato único ou duplo apresentou falhas mistas. Imagens SEM demonstraram rugosidade superficial mais regular dos espécimes condicionados que os jateados.



CONCLUSÕES: O tratamento superficial de uma restauragao defeituosa de vitrocerámica reforgada por dissilicato de litio tem maior influencia na retengao do reparo de compósito do que sua forma macroscópica; ainda, o condicionamento com ácido hidrofluoridrico parece proporcionar maior resistencia de uniao ao reparo com compósito.