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Aust Dent J.2024 Jun;


Evaluation of the contribution of different groups of teeth to occlusion of patients with symptoms of temporomandibular disorders.

PMID: 38924577




PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to analyse the distribution of occlusal forces in the dental arches released during tooth clenching in patients with symptoms of temporomandibular disorders, and to analyse the age and gender structure of the patients in the study group and the control group.


本研究は、顎関節症の症状によりクラクフの大学歯科クリニックの歯科補綴科を受診した、フルデンタルアーチを有する18~40歳の男女58名の患者を対象とした。患者は2つのグループに分けられた。第1群(研究群)は有痛性顎関節症患者26人、第2群(対照群)は無痛性患者32人である。この研究では、顎関節症の症状を有する18歳以上のフルデンタルアーチの患者のみを対象とした。すべての患者は、基本的な歯科検査と咀嚼器官の専門的な機能検査を受けた。咬合接触の分布を評価するために、電子咬合紙を備えたT-Scan III-Novus装置が使用された。

MATERIALS AND METHOD: The study was carried out on a group of 58 patients, of both genders, aged 18-40 years, with full dental arches, who presented for treatment at the Prosthodontics Clinic of the University Dental Clinic in Kraków due to symptoms of temporomandibular disorders. The patients were divided into two groups. The first group (study group) comprised 26 patients with painful temporomandibular disorders, while the second group (control group) comprised 32 patients without pain. The study only included patients over 18 years of age, with full dental arches with symptoms of temporomandibular disorders. All patients underwent a basic dental examination and a specialized functional examination of the masticatory organ. A T-Scan III-Novus instrument with electronic occlusal articulation paper was used to assess the distribution of occlusal contacts.



RESULTS: In the study, women (43) were a larger group than men (15). Statistically significant values for the percentage distribution of occlusal contacts were obtained in group of women in the study group on the right and left side, in the area of molars and premolars. In the analysis of the percentage distribution of occlusal contacts in both the study and control groups, it can be seen that the first molars (teeth 16 and 26) showed a larger percentage range of values than the other teeth. The smallest values can be observed on the second incisal teeth and on the canines.


第一大臼歯は、大多数の患者において、最も強い咬合接触が生じる歯である。切歯が咬合に過剰に関与することは、疼痛型顎関節症の発症に影響する可能性がある。咬合接触の偏在と顎関節症の疼痛との間に相関関係があるかどうかを判断するためには、より多くの患者を対象とした研究が必要である。 © 2024 Australian Dental Association.

CONCLUSIONS: The first molars are, in the majority of patients, the teeth on which the strongest occlusal contacts are generated. Excessive participation of incisal teeth in occlusion might influence the development of the pain form of TMD. In order to determine whether there is a correlation between an uneven distribution of occlusal contacts and TMD pain, studies on larger numbers of patients are needed. © 2024 Australian Dental Association.