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J Diabetes Metab Disord.2024 Jun;23(1):1371-1380.


The association between dental caries, periodontal diseases, and tooth loss with diabetes mellitus among the elderly population.

PMID: 38932804




PURPOSE: Our study investigated the association between dental caries, periodontal diseases, and tooth loss with diabetes mellitus (DM) among the elderly population, representing the first study of its kind in Iran.


本研究は、60歳以上の高齢者を対象としたBirjand longitudinal aging study(BLAS、2021-2022年)の第2ウェーブの一部として行われた地域住民ベースの横断研究である。口腔健康評価には包括的老年口腔健康評価ツール(Comprehensive Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Tool:CGOHAT)を用いた。参加者は最初に糖尿病群と非糖尿病群に分類された。糖尿病患者はさらに、HbA1c値に基づいて、コントロールされていない糖尿病とコントロールされている糖尿病に分類された。歯周炎、歯肉炎、無歯顎症とII型糖尿病およびコントロールされていない糖尿病との関連をロジスティック回帰を用いて評価した。

METHODS: This was a cross-sectional community-based study as a part of the second wave of the Birjand longitudinal aging study (BLAS, 2021-2022) for people older than 60. We used the Comprehensive Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Tool (CGOHAT) for the oral health evaluation. Participants were initially categorized into diabetic and non-diabetic groups. Those patients with DM were further categorised into uncontrolled and controlled diabetes based on their HbA1c level. The association between periodontitis, gingivitis, and edentulism with type II diabetes mellitus and uncontrolled diabetes was assessed using logistic regression.


1,011人の参加者のうち、324人(32.04%)がDMであった。DMFTの平均値±SDは、DM有りで27.06±7.71、DM無しで27.07±7.72であった(=)。M指数はDMFT全体の85.46%を占め、DMなし群では84.51%、DMあり群では84.51%であった。歯周炎の有病率は、DMのない人で高かった(110人、32.84%、=)。歯肉炎の有病率はDM有病者で高かった(73人、45.06%、=)。糖尿病群では、137人(42.28%)がコントロールされていた。調整マッチ多変量ロジスティックモデルに基づくと、むし歯(1.24、95%CI:1.06 - 1.46、=)、歯周炎(2.78、95%CI:1.02 - 7.56、=)、中等度歯牙喪失(5.73、95%CI:1.13 - 28.88、=)は、コントロールされていないDMのオッズ増加と有意に関連していた。

RESULTS: Among the 1,011 participants, 324 (32.04%) had DM. The mean ± SD DMFT was 27.06 ± 7.71 and 27.07 ± 7.72 among those with and without DM, respectively ( = ). The M index comprised 85.46% of the total DMFT among those without DM and 84.51% among those with DM. The prevalence of periodontitis was higher among those without DM (110, 32.84%,  = ). The prevalence of gingivitis was higher among those with DM (73, 45.06%,  = ). Among the diabetic group, 137 (42.28%) had controlled DM. Based on the adjusted matched multivariate logistic model, decayed teeth (1.24, 95%CI: 1.06 - 1.46,  = ), periodontitis (2.78, 95%CI: 1.02 - 7.56,  = ), and moderate tooth loss (5.73, 95%CI: 1.13 - 28.88,  = ) were significantly associated with increased odds of uncontrolled DM.



CONCLUSIONS: Based on the findings of this study, tooth loss was highly prevalent among the elderly Iranians regardless of their diabetes status. Also, periodontitis, tooth loss, and decayed teeth were significantly associated with increased odds of poor glycemic control among those with DM. Thus, it can be concluded that improving the oral health of the geriatric population may be a crucial part of improving the glycemic control among those with diabetes which has been frequently neglected.



SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s40200-024-01434-2.