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J Dent.2024 Jun;148:105215.


Efficacy of ultrasonic home-care denture cleaning versus conventional denture cleaning: A randomised crossover clinical trial.

PMID: 38944265




OBJECTIVE: To compare the efficacy of test (ultrasonic cleaner combined with immersion in denture cleanser solution) and control (immersion in denture cleanser solution followed by conventional brushing) denture cleaning interventions in enhancing denture cleanliness, reducing denture stomatitis, and improving patient satisfaction.



METHODS: A prospective, single-blind, block-randomised, two-period crossover, superiority-controlled clinical trial was conducted of a 3-month intervention. The study design included a pre-intervention period (2 weeks), intervention period one (3 months), washout period (2 weeks), and intervention period two (3 months). A total of 56 community-dwelling elders were block-randomized into either sequence Test/Control or sequence Control/Test. The intervention, period, and carryover effects for the changes in the cleanliness of extensive partial and complete acrylic dentures, denture stomatitis, and changes in patient satisfaction were estimated using Generalized Estimating Equations models.


プラーク面積率、患者満足度、義歯性口内炎は、介入群、対照群ともに3ヵ月後に有意に改善した(P<0.05)。介入群は対照群よりも義歯の清潔度(P < 0.001)および患者満足度(P = 0.002)を有意に改善することが明らかになった。義歯装着習慣と義歯年齢も、義歯のプラークカバレッジの変化と有意に関連していた(P<0.05)。しかし、義歯性口内炎に対する試験介入の効果は、対照群と比較して有意差はなかった(P = 0.284)。

RESULTS: Percentage plaque area coverage, patient satisfaction, and denture stomatitis were significantly improved for both intervention and control arms after 3 months (P < 0.05). The intervention arm was found to significantly improve denture cleanliness (P < 0.001) and patient satisfaction (P = 0.002) more than the control arm. Denture-wearing habits and denture age were also significantly associated with the changes in denture plaque coverage (P < 0.05). However, the effect of the test intervention on denture stomatitis was not significantly different compared to the control arm (P = 0.284).



CONCLUSION: This study revealed that the test intervention group was significantly more effective than the control group in improving denture cleanliness and patient satisfaction among community-dwelling elders. This test intervention is recommended for maintaining optimum denture hygiene among older adults.



CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Removable dentures can harbor opportunistic pathogens, emphasizing the need for effective denture hygiene intervention using ultrasonic cleaner combined with immersion in denture cleanser solution to eliminate denture biofilm in community-dwelling elders.