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Clin Oral Investig.2024 Jul;28(7):412.


Correlation between oral muscle pressure and malocclusion in mixed dentition: a cross-sectional study.

PMID: 38963565




OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship between oral muscle pressure and malocclusion in the mixed dentition.


最大舌圧、口唇圧、頬圧をIowa Oral Performance Instrument (IOPI)を用いて3つの患者コホートで測定した:(1)後方交叉咬合、(2)II級関係、(3)不正咬合のない対照群。線形モデルを用いて、年齢と性別を補正し、グループ間の筋圧の平均差を比較した。唇と舌、唇と頬のアンバランスは、各群のデルタzスコアで算出した。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Maximum tongue, lip and cheek pressure was measured using the Iowa Oral Performance Instrument (IOPI) in 3 patient cohorts: patients with (1) posterior crossbite, (2) class II relationship and (3) a control group of patients without malocclusion. Linear models were used to compare the mean differences in muscle pressure between groups, with correction for age and gender. The imbalance between lips and tongue and between lips and cheeks was calculated by the Delta z-scores of each group.



RESULTS: A total of 146 participants were included, 46 (mean age 8.71±0.85), 41 (mean age 11.74±1.17) and 35 (mean age 10.71±1.92) in groups 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Patients with malocclusion showed significantly higher lip and lower cheek pressure and imbalance favouring the lips over the tongue compared to controls. Class II,1 patients showed significantly higher tongue pressure than Class II,2. No differences were found in muscle pressure or imbalance between crossbite and Class II nor between crossbite types.



CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: These findings suggest that oral muscle pressure may be associated with malocclusion. This highlights the importance of functional diagnosis and its implications on the prevention and treatment of malocclusion, as well as on orthodontic stability.