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Br Dent J.2024 Jul;


Adult intravenous sedation in general dental practice: indication, effectiveness and patient experiences.

PMID: 38977843


背景 一次歯科治療において、不安な患者や大がかりな処置を受ける患者には、意識下鎮静法を選択することがある。このレトロスペクティブなサービス評価の目的は、ミダゾラム静注による鎮静中に提供される治療の範囲を、患者報告による経験指標とともに調査することである。結果 半数以上の患者が不安のために鎮静下で治療を受けた。ミダゾラムの平均投与量は7.8mg、平均治療時間は1時間25分であった。特筆すべきは、最も大規模な処置であるインプラント即時フルアーチローディングの平均投与量は11.7mgであったが、これは1時間あたりの平均投与量4.5mgに相当する。酸素吸入を必要とした患者は1人であったが、フルマゼニルが必要とされたことはなかった。結論 British National Formularyが推奨する最大鎮静量はミダゾラム7.5mgであり、本研究は歯科治療においてこの用量を超えても安全であることを示している。さらに、さまざまな歯科治療を受けた患者は、受けた静脈内鎮静の量に満足しており、高齢者の鎮静には年齢が絶対的な制限にはならない。

Background Conscious sedation is an option in primary dental care for anxious patients or those undergoing extensive procedures. The objective of this retrospective service evaluation was to study the range of treatments delivered during sedation with intravenous midazolam, together with patient-reported experience measures.Methods Data from 100 consecutive patients treated under sedation at a single private dental practice were evaluated retrospectively. All patients were asked questions about their experience of sedation during a post-operative follow-up phone call.Results Over half of patients were treated under sedation due to anxiety. The mean dose of midazolam was 7.8 mg and the average treatment time was 1 hour 25 minutes. Of note, the average dose for the most extensive procedure - implant immediate full arch loading - was 11.7 mg; however, this equated to an average dose of 4.5 mg per hour. One patient needed supplemental oxygen; flumazenil was never required. Additionally, 91% of patients felt they had enough sedation, and 50% could remember the events of treatment.Conclusion With the British National Formulary recommending a maximum dose of 7.5 mg midazolam, this study demonstrates that this dose can be safely exceeded in dental treatment; therefore, a dose that accounts for the length of the procedure is a more valid approach. Moreover, patients undergoing a variety of dental treatments were satisfied with the amount of intravenous sedation received and age is not an absolute limit for sedating older people.