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Biomed Tech (Berl).2024 Jul;


Comparison of fatigue lifetime of new generation CAD/CAM crown materials on zirconia and titanium abutments in implant-supported crowns: a 3D finite element analysis.

PMID: 38997228



顎口腔系は動的であるため、インプラント支持修復物が経験する繰り返し荷重をシミュレートする疲労寿命実験は重要な検討事項である。本研究の目的は、クラウンとアバットメントの材質の違いが、インプラント支 持クラウンの疲労破壊に及ぼす影響を検討することである。

OBJECTIVES: Due to the dynamic character of the stomatognathic system, fatigue life experiments simulating the cyclic loading experienced by implant-supported restorations are critical consideration. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of different crown and abutment materials on fatigue failure of single implant-supported crowns.



METHODS: Models were created for 10 different designs of implant-supported single crowns including two zirconia-reinforced lithium silicates (crystallized and precrystallized), monolithic lithium disilicate, polymer-infiltrated ceramic networks, and polyetheretherketone supported by zirconia and titanium abutments. A cyclic load of 179 N with a frequency of 1 Hz was applied on palatal cusp of a maxillary first premolar at a 30° angle in a buccolingual direction.



RESULTS: In the models with titanium abutments, the polymer-infiltrated ceramic network model had a lower number of cycles to fatigue failure values in the implant (5.07), abutment (2.30), and screw (1.07) compared to others. In the models with zirconia abutments, the crystallized zirconia-reinforced lithium silicate model had a higher number of cycles to fatigue failure values in the abutment (8.52) compared to others. Depending on the fatigue criteria, polyetheretherketone implant crown could fail in less than five year while the other implant crowns exhibits an infinite life on all models.



CONCLUSIONS: The type of abutment material had an effect on the number of cycles to fatigue failure values for implants, abutments, and screws, but had no effect on crown materials. The zirconia abutment proved longer fatigue lifetime, and should thus be considered for implant-supported single crowns.