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J Oral Sci.2024;66(3):189-192.


Extrusion of debris during retreatment using various nickel-titanium files in teeth with simulated lateral root perforation.

PMID: 39010167




PURPOSE: To investigate the influence of various nickel-titanium (Ni-Ti) files on debris extrusion during the retreatment of teeth with simulated lateral root perforation, focusing on root resorption.


60本のヒト下顎前臼歯を穿孔あり群と穿孔なし群に分け、さらに再治療法に基づいて細分化した。一方のグループ(グループ1)には側方歯根穿孔を形成し、もう一方のグループには穿孔を形成しなかった(グループ2)。2つの再治療法を比較した:リムーバー(RE)+One RECI(OR)とプロテーパー・ユニバーサル・リトリートメント(PTUR)+ウェーブワン・ゴールド(WOG)である。押し出された破片の重量を測定した。両方の再治療手技の時間を測定した。統計解析は二元配置分散分析(ANOVA)検定を用いて行った(P < 0.05)。

METHODS: Sixty human mandibular premolar teeth were divided into groups with and without perforation and further subdivided based on the retreatment technique. Lateral root perforations were created in one group (Group 1), while the other group had no perforations (Group 2). Two retreatment techniques were compared: Remover (RE)+One RECI (OR) and ProTaper Universal Retreatment (PTUR)+WaveOne Gold (WOG). The weight of the extruded debris was determined. The time of both retreatment procedures was measured. Statistical analyses were performed using a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test (P < 0.05).


側根穿孔を模擬した歯は、再治療中に破片の滲出が多かった。両群とも、RE+ORファイルはPTUR+WOGファイルよりも破片の押し出し量が多かった。しかし、この差はグループ2で統計的に有意であった(P < 0.001)。PTUR+WOGファイルと比較して、RE+ORファイルはオブチュレーション材料の除去にかかる時間が統計学的に有意に長かった(P < 0.001)。

RESULTS: Teeth with simulated lateral root perforation exhibited higher extrusion of debris during retreatment. In both groups, RE+OR files led to more extruded debris than PTUR+WOG files. However, this difference was statistically significant in Group 2 (P < 0.001). Compared to PTUR+WOG files, RE+OR files showed a statistically significant longer time to remove obturation material (P < 0.001).



CONCLUSION: Perforated teeth exhibited significantly higher debris extrusion. While both file systems demonstrated similar debris extrusion in perforated teeth, the RE+OR files significantly increased debris extrusion in non-perforated teeth compared to the PTUR+WOG files.