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J Endod.2024 Jul;


Effects of the irrigation needle design on root canal disinfection and cleaning.

PMID: 39029891



このex vivo研究では、3つの異なるデザインの針を用いたNaOCl潅注による根管形成の消毒および洗浄効果を評価した。

INTRODUCTION: This ex vivo study evaluated the disinfecting and cleaning effects of root canal preparation using NaOCl irrigation with three different needle designs.


Vertucci class IIの形態を有する下顎大臼歯の抜髄歯根を解剖学的に一致させ、マイクロCT分析により3群に分けた(n=18/群)。管腔は30日間混合細菌培養液で汚染された後、開放端平針(作業長-WLより3mm短い)、閉鎖端サイドベント潅注針(WLより1mm短い)、または2つの側方出口を持つ閉鎖端プラスチック針(TruNatomy)(WLより1mm短い)を用いて2.5%NaOCl潅注による調製を行った。細菌学的サンプルは、調製前(S1)と調製後(S2)に管腔から採取した。さらにマイクロCTスキャンを行った後、歯根を切開し、先端の管腔セグメントからもサンプルを採取した(S3)。細菌の減少は、定量的リアルタイムポリメラーゼ連鎖反応(qPCR)によって評価した。蓄積した硬組織破片の量はマイクロCTで評価した。

METHODS: Mesial roots from extracted mandibular molars with Vertucci class II configuration were anatomically matched based on micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) analyses and distributed into three groups (n=18/group). The canals were contaminated with a mixed bacterial culture for 30 days and then subjected to preparation using 2.5% NaOCl irrigation with open-ended flat needle (3 mm short of the working length - WL), closed-ended side-vented irrigation needle (1 mm short of the WL) or a closed-ended plastic needle with two lateral outlets (TruNatomy) (1 mm short of the WL). Bacteriological samples were taken from the canals before (S1) and after preparation (S2). After another micro-CT scan, the roots were sectioned and samples were also taken from the apical canal segment (S3). Bacterial reduction was assessed by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). The amount of accumulated hard tissue debris was evaluated by micro-CT.


S1とS2を比較した場合、3群すべてで細菌数の大幅な減少が観察された(オープンエンド、クローズドエンド、TruNatomyニードル群でそれぞれ99.95%、98.93%、98.90%)(P < 0.01)。全顎管および先端管の細菌減少については、グループ間に有意差は認められなかった(P > 0.05)。硬組織残屑の蓄積量にも群間差は認められなかった(P > 0.05)。オープンエンドニードル群では、TruNatomy群に比べ、S3における細菌のqPCR結果が陰性であった検体が有意に多かった(P<0.05)。

RESULTS: A substantial reduction in bacterial counts was observed in all three groups when comparing S1 with S2 (99.95%, 98.93%, and 98.90% in the open-ended, closed-ended, and TruNatomy needle groups, respectively) (P < 0.01). No significant differences were observed between groups for bacterial reduction in the full and apical canal (P > 0.05). There were no intergroup differences in the amount of accumulated hard tissue debris either (P > 0.05). The open-ended needle group showed significantly more specimens with qPCR negative results for bacteria in S3 than TruNatomy (P < 0.05).



CONCLUSION: When used up to an appropriate insertion depth, the three needle types result in similar antibacterial and cleaning performance, provided variables such as needle size and irrigant type, volume and flow rate are controlled. Exclusive analysis of the apical segment, including the isthmus, revealed that the open-ended needle yielded more cases negative for bacteria.