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Thorax.2024 Jul;


CD206 macrophages are relevant non-invasive imaging biomarkers and therapeutic targets in experimental lung fibrosis.

PMID: 39033028




BACKGROUND: Interstitial lung diseases (ILDs) include a large number of diseases associated with progressive pulmonary fibrosis (PPF), including idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Despite the rarity of each of the fibrotic ILDs individually, they cumulatively affect a considerable number of patients. PPF is characterised by an excessive collagen deposition leading to functional decline.



OBJECTIVES: Therapeutic options are limited to nintedanib and pirfenidone which are only able to reduce fibrosis progression. CD206-expressing M2 macrophages are involved in fibrosis progression, and whether they may be relevant therapeutic targets or biomarkers remains an open question.


本研究では、フローサイトメトリー、scRNAseq、および放射性医薬品Tc-tilmanoceptを用いたin vivo分子イメージングを組み合わせることにより、ブレオマイシン誘発肺線維症におけるCD206肺マクロファージをモニターした。JAK阻害剤であるトファシチニブによるM2マクロファージ極性化阻害の抗線維化効果をin vivoで評価した。我々は、Tc-チルマノセプトを用いたCD206ターゲットin vivo SPECTイメージングが、実験的線維症の初期から進行期まで、およびIPF患者の肺生検におけるex vivoでのCD206マクロファージの増加を正確に検出し定量化できることを実証した。CD206を標的としたイメージングでは、ニンテダニブとトファシチニブ投与によるCD206肺マクロファージの減少も特異的に検出された。重要なことは、CD206マクロファージの早期in vivoイメージングにより、ニンテダニブおよびトファシチニブの有効性だけでなく、実験的肺線維症の進行も予測できたことである。

RESULTS: In our study, CD206 lung macrophages were monitored in bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis in mice by combining flow cytometry, scRNAseq and in vivo molecular imaging using a single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) radiopharmaceutical, Tc-tilmanocept. The antifibrotic effect of the inhibition of M2 macrophage polarisation with a JAK inhibitor, tofacitinib, was assessed in vivo. We demonstrate that CD206-targeted in vivo SPECT imaging with Tc-tilmanocept was able to accurately detect and quantify the increase in CD206 macrophages from early to advanced stages of experimental fibrosis and ex vivo in lung biopsies from patients with IPF. CD206-targeted imaging also specifically detected a decrease in CD206 lung macrophages on nintedanib and tofacitinib treatment. Importantly, early in vivo imaging of CD206 macrophages allowed the prediction of experimental lung fibrosis progression as well as nintedanib and tofacitinib efficacy.



CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that M2 macrophages may be relevant theranostic targets for personalised medicine for patients with PPF.