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J Endod.2024 Jul;


Efficacy of different irrigation needles and ultrasonic activation on calcium hydroxide removal: a micro-CT study using 3D-printed endodontic models.

PMID: 39033800




INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of different irrigation needles and passive ultrasonic activation in removing Ca(OH) from an endodontic model that duplicated a root canal configuration of a human natural tooth.



METHODS: An extracted human maxillary premolar was subjected to root canal preparation and scanned with microcomputed tomography (micro-CT). A 3-dimensional reconstruction model of the natural tooth was printed to endodontic models using a polyjet printer. The root canals of the models were filled with Ca(OH) paste and divided into two groups based on the irrigation protocol: conventional syringe-needle irrigation (conventional group) and passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI group). Each group was subdivided into three groups (n = 10) according to the type of needle: half-cut, side-vented, and TruNatomy irrigation needle. Micro-CT imaging was used to assess the percentage of reduction of Ca(OH). Data were analyzed using two-way analysis of variance test (α = .05).


従来の灌流針群では、サイドベント針とTruNatomy灌流針がハーフカット針よりも有意に高い減少率を示した(P < .05)。PUI群では、針の種類にかかわらず、従来型群よりもCa(OH)の減少率が有意に高かった(P < .05)。しかし、PUI群では針の種類による有意差は認められなかった。

RESULTS: The side-vented and TruNatomy irrigation needles showed significantly higher percentage reductions than the half-cut needle (P < .05) in the conventional irrigation group. The PUI group showed significantly higher percentage reductions of Ca(OH) than the conventional group regardless of the type of needle (P < .05). However, no significant difference was found among the needles in the PUI group.



CONCLUSIONS: The type of irrigation needle and the use of PUI influenced the removal efficacy of Ca(OH). PUI enhanced the removal of Ca(OH) regardless of the type of irrigation needle.