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J Dent.2024 Jul;:105256.


Implant Placement using Mixed Reality-Based Dynamic Navigation: a Proof of Concept.

PMID: 39043329




OBJECTIVES: To present the first clinical application of a novel mixed reality-based dynamic navigation (MR-DN) system in the rehabilitation of a single tooth gap.


プロトコールは以下の内容からなる:(1)口腔内スキャニング(IOS)およびコーンビームCT(CBCT)を用いた3次元患者データの取得、(2)ガイデッドサージェリーソフトウェアを用いたインプラントプランニング、(3)新規MR-DNシステム(ANNA®, MARS Dental, Haifa, Israel)を用いたホログラフィーガイド下でのインプラント埋入、(4)埋入精度の検証。

METHODS: The protocol consisted of the following: (1) three-dimensional patient data acquisition using intraoral scanning (IOS) and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), (2) implant planning using guided surgery software, (3) holography-guided implant placement using the novel MR-DN system (ANNA®, MARS Dental, Haifa, Israel) and (4) placement accuracy verification.



RESULTS: The novel MR-DN system was safe and time-efficient, as the surgery took 30 minutes from anaesthesia to suturing. The accuracy of implant placement was high with minimal deviations recorded in the three planes of space compared to the presurgical planning: the error at the entry point planar distance (XY) was 0.381 mm, and the entry point planar distance (Z) was 0.173 mm, for a 3D entry point distance (En) of 0.417 mm. A 3D apex deviation (An) of 0.193 mm was registered, with an angle difference of 1.852°.


この概念実証研究により、MR-DNによる1歯隙間へのインプラントガイド 埋入の臨床的実現可能性が示された。この良好な予備的結果を確認するためには、大規模な患者サンプルを対象としたさらなる臨床研究が必要である。臨床的意義MR-DNの使用は、単一歯牙隙間のリハビリテーションのための古典的な静的および動的誘導外科技術に代わる可能性として、誘導歯科インプラント手術の視点を変えることができる。

CONCLUSIONS: This proof-of-concept study demonstrated the clinical feasibility of MR-DN for guided implant placement in single tooth gaps. Further clinical studies on a large sample of patients are needed to confirm these positive preliminary results. Statement of clinical relevance: The use of MR-DN can change the perspectives of guided dental implant surgery as a possible alternative to the classic static and dynamic guided surgical techniques for the rehabilitation of single tooth gaps.