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Int Urol Nephrol.2024 Jul;

L-カルニチンの慢性経口投与による精巣傷害の誘発:in vivoエビデンス

Chronic oral administration of L-carnitine induces testicular injury: in vivo evidence.

PMID: 39044024




PURPOSE: While L-carnitine is commonly used to treat oligoasthenozoospermia, concerns have been raised regarding its potential harm to spermatogenesis. This study aims to investigate the potential testicular toxicity of long-term oral administration of L-carnitine.



METHODS: In this study, we refer to the clinical adult dosage and mode of L-carnitine administration, and after converting to mouse doses, mice were daily intragastrical administered L-carnitine to investigate whether it was harmful to the testis. The investigation involved assessing its potential testicular toxicity through histopathological staining, sperm motility analysis, and quantitative real-time PCR.



RESULTS: Our results showed that L-carnitine increased sperm motility after 14 days of continuous administration, but increased luminal exfoliated spermatogenic cells occurred in the testis, and TUNEL results showed increased apoptotic cells. Compared with the control group, the mRNA expression of the spermatogenic cell marker at each stage was decreased in mice treated for 14 consecutive days of L-carnitine. After 50 days of continuous administration followed by 14 days of drug withdrawal, the total sperm motility of mice was almost 0, and a large number of abnormal eosinophilic spermatogenic cells appeared in the testis. These indicate that oral L-carnitine for more than 14 days impairs spermatogenesis in mice, and sudden discontinuation of administration results in substantial death of established spermatogenic cell populations.



CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that chronic oral administration of L-carnitine impairs spermatogenic function in the testis. The oral administration of L-carnitine to enhance sperm motility should not exceed the 2/5 point of the spermatogenic cycle.