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Ann Biomed Eng.2024 Jul;


On-Field Evaluation of Mouthpiece-and-Helmet-Mounted Sensor Data from Head Kinematics in Football.

PMID: 39058402




PURPOSE: Wearable sensors are used to measure head impact exposure in sports. The Head Impact Telemetry (HIT) System is a helmet-mounted system that has been commonly utilized to measure head impacts in American football. Advancements in sensor technology have fueled the development of alternative sensor methods such as instrumented mouthguards. The objective of this study was to compare peak magnitude measured from high school football athletes dually instrumented with the HIT System and a mouthpiece-based sensor system.



METHODS: Data was collected at all contact practices and competitions over a single season of spring football. Recorded events were observed and identified on video and paired using event timestamps. Paired events were further stratified by removing mouthpiece events with peak resultant linear acceleration below 10 g and events with contact to the facemask or body of athletes.


合計133のペアイベントが分析された。同時に測定された事象のピーク結果直線加速度と回転加速度の差の中央値(HITシステムからマウスピースを差し引いた値)は、7.3gと189rad/sであった。イベントの大きさが大きいほど、センサー間の運動学的な差は大きくなり、Bland Altman分析ではそれぞれ8.8gと104rad/sの平均バイアスが認められた。

RESULTS: A total of 133 paired events were analyzed in the results. There was a median difference (mouthpiece subtracted from HIT System) in peak resultant linear and rotational acceleration for concurrently measured events of 7.3 g and 189 rad/s. Greater magnitude events resulted in larger kinematic differences between sensors and a Bland Altman analysis found a mean bias of 8.8 g and 104 rad/s, respectively.



CONCLUSION: If the mouthpiece-based sensor is considered close to truth, the results of this study are consistent with previous HIT System validation studies indicating low error on average but high scatter across individual events. Future researchers should be mindful of sensor limitations when comparing results collected using varying sensor technologies.