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J Clin Med.2024 Jul;13(14).


Endodontic Treatment Outcomes in Cone Beam Computed Tomography Images-Assessment of the Diagnostic Accuracy of AI.

PMID: 39064157


本研究の目的は、コーンビームCT(CBCT)画像を用いて歯内療法の治療成績を評価するためのAI駆動プラットフォームDiagnocatの診断精度を評価することである。 CBCT撮影のために紹介された連続患者55人(男性15人、女性40人、12~70歳)を対象とした。CBCT画像は、DiagnocatのAIプラットフォームを使用して分析され、充填の確率、適切な固着、適切な密度、過剰充填、充填中の空隙、短い充填、根管数などのパラメータが評価された。また、経験豊富な人間の読影者2名によっても画像が評価された。診断精度の指標(精度、精度、再現性、F1スコア)が評価され、参照基準となる読影者のコンセンサスと比較された。 AIプラットフォームは、ほとんどのパラメータで高い診断精度を示し、充填確率は満点であった(accuracy、precision、recall、F1=100%)。十分な閉塞は、中程度の性能を示した(精度=84.1%、精度=66.7%、想起=92.3%、F1=77.4%)。適切な密度(精度=95.5%、精度、想起、F1=97.2%)、過充填(精度=95.5%、精度=86.7%、想起=100%、F1=92.9%)、短充填(精度=95.5%、精度=100%、想起=86.7%、F1=92.9%)も高い性能を示した。充填の空洞検出(精度=88.6%、精度=88.9%、再現率=66.7%、F1=76.2%)に対するAIの性能は、改善すべき領域を浮き彫りにした。 AIプラットフォームDiagnocatは、CBCT画像を用いた歯内療法治療結果の評価において高い診断精度を示し、歯科放射線学における価値あるツールとしての可能性を示した。

The aim of this study was to assess the diagnostic accuracy of the AI-driven platform Diagnocat for evaluating endodontic treatment outcomes using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images. A total of 55 consecutive patients (15 males and 40 females, aged 12-70 years) referred for CBCT imaging were included. CBCT images were analyzed using Diagnocat's AI platform, which assessed parameters such as the probability of filling, adequate obturation, adequate density, overfilling, voids in filling, short filling, and root canal number. The images were also evaluated by two experienced human readers. Diagnostic accuracy metrics (accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score) were assessed and compared to the readers' consensus, which served as the reference standard. The AI platform demonstrated high diagnostic accuracy for most parameters, with perfect scores for the probability of filling (accuracy, precision, recall, F1 = 100%). Adequate obturation showed moderate performance (accuracy = 84.1%, precision = 66.7%, recall = 92.3%, and F1 = 77.4%). Adequate density (accuracy = 95.5%, precision, recall, and F1 = 97.2%), overfilling (accuracy = 95.5%, precision = 86.7%, recall = 100%, and F1 = 92.9%), and short fillings (accuracy = 95.5%, precision = 100%, recall = 86.7%, and F1 = 92.9%) also exhibited strong performance. The performance of AI for voids in filling detection (accuracy = 88.6%, precision = 88.9%, recall = 66.7%, and F1 = 76.2%) highlighted areas for improvement. The AI platform Diagnocat showed high diagnostic accuracy in evaluating endodontic treatment outcomes using CBCT images, indicating its potential as a valuable tool in dental radiology.