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J Tradit Chin Med.2024 Aug;44(4):753-761.


Study on the anti-inflammatory mechanism of moxibustion in rheumatoid arthritis in rats based on phospholipaseA2 signaling inhibition by Annexin 1.

PMID: 39066536




OBJECTIVE: To determine whether moxibustion had an anti-inflammatory effect on rheumatoid arthritis (RA) by regulating Annexin 1 expression and interfering with the phospholipaseA2 signaling pathway.


30匹の雄性Sprague-Dawleyラットを、ブランクコントロール(CON)群、RAモデル(RA)群、灸(MOX)群、アネキシン1レンチウイルス介入(RNAi-Anxa1)群、アネキシン1レンチウイルス介入+灸(RNAi-Anxa1+MOX)群の5群(各群6匹)に無作為に分類した。RNAi-Anxa1群とRNAi-Anxa1 + MOX群のラットには、レンチウイルスベクターを介したRNAi-Anxa1をラット足蹠に注射した。RA、MOX、RNAi-Anxa1、RNAi-Anxa1 + MOX群にフロイント完全アジュバント(FCA)を注射し、実験的RAラットモデルを確立した。MOX群およびRNAi-Anxa1 + MOX群のラットは灸治療を受けた。モデル化後、「神灸(BL23)」と「頭山里(ST36)」を用いて、各ポイントを5回ずつ、両側交互に、1日1回、1コースの治療を6回行い、その間に1日休息した。合計3コースの治療を行った。両側のパッドの厚さは、実験1日目、7日目、14日目、21日目、28日目にバーニアキャリパーを用いて測定した。疾患関節の滑膜におけるcPLA2αシグナルの発現をウェスタンブロットを用いて観察した。ラット足関節滑膜の病理学的状態は、ヘマトキシリン・エオジン(HE)染色を用いて観察した。インターロイキン(IL)-1β、IL-10、プロスタグランジンE2(PGE2)、ロイコトリエンB4(LTB4)は酵素結合免疫吸着法を用いて検出した。

METHODS: Thirty male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly categorized into five groups (six rats per group): blank control (CON) group, RA model (RA) group, moxibustion (MOX) group, Annexin 1 lentiviral intervention (RNAi-Anxa1) group, and Annexin 1 lentiviral intervention + moxibustion (RNAi-Anxa1 + MOX) group. The rats in the RNAi-Anxa1 and the RNAi-Anxa1 + MOX groups were injected with the lentiviral vector-mediated RNAi-Anxa1 into the rat foot pad. An experimental RA rat model was established by injecting Freund's complete adjuvant (FCA) into the RA, MOX, RNAi-Anxa1, and RNAi-Anxa1 + MOX groups. Rats in the MOX and RNAi-Anxa1 + MOX groups received moxibustion treatment. After modeling, using moxibustion "Shenshu (BL23)" and "Zusanli (ST36)", each point is 5 times, bilateral alternating, once a day, 6 times for a course of treatment, between the courses of rest for a one day. A total of three treatment courses were conducted. Both bilateral pad thicknesses were measured using Vernier calipers on experimental days 1, 7, 14, 21, and 28. The expression of cPLA2α signaling in the synovium of diseased joints was observed using Western blot. The pathology of the rat ankle synovium was observed using hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining. Interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-10, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), and leukotriene B4 (LTB4) were detected using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.



RESULTS: Moxibustion increased the levels of Annexin 1 and decreased the inflammatory response in rats with RA. After increasing the expression of Annexin 1, the phosphorylated expression of cPLA2α was inhibited, the serum levels of IL-1β, PGE2, and LTB4 decreased, and the level of IL-10 increased. In moxibustion treated RA rats after the Annexin 1 lentiviral intervention, the serum levels of IL-1β, PGE2, LTB4, and IL-10 were almost unchanged.



CONCLUSION: Moxibustion enhanced the negative regulation of the cPLA2α signaling pathway, increased the synovial Annexin 1 expression, inhibited the cPLA2α signaling pathway, indirectly inhibited the expression of downstream inflammatory factors, and played a role in reducing inflammation.