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Med J Armed Forces India.2024;80(4):433-441.


Comparative evaluation of efficacy of two Class II correctors in treatment of skeletal Class II malocclusion: A multicenter randomized controlled trial.

PMID: 39071764




BACKGROUND: This article aims to compare clinical efficacy of newly introduced PowerScope 2 appliance with Forsus FRD in the treatment of Skeletal Class II malocclusion.


この無作為化比較試験は、2施設40名の患者(各施設20名ずつ、10名ずつの2群に分け、フォーサスFRDとパワースコープ2アプライアンスを使用)を対象とした。T0(治療前)、T1(アプライアンス治療前)、T2(アプライアンス治療後)に骨格、歯、軟組織、気道の変化を記録した。音響咽頭測定(Eccovision® Acoustic Pharyngometer)を行い、両測定法による平均気道容積と面積の変化を非侵襲的に確認した。治療期間とチェアサイドでの装置の装着と取り外しに要した時間を記録した。患者の快適性は、カスタマイズされたアンケート調査を用いて比較された。

METHODS: This randomized controlled trial studied 40 patients at two centers (20 patients at each center, divided into two groups of 10 patients each as Forsus FRD and PowerScope 2 appliance. The skeletal, dental, soft tissue, and airway changes were noted at T0 (pretreatment), T1 (preappliance therapy), and T2 (postappliance therapy). Acoustic Pharyngometry (Eccovision® Acoustic Pharyngometer) was done to ascertain changes in mean airway volume and area with both modalities noninvasively. Treatment duration and chairside time in appliance installation and removal were noted. Patient comfort was compared using a customized questionnaire survey.


両治療法による治療後、骨格、歯、軟組織、気道の各パラメータに有意な変化が観察された(-値<0.05のすべて)が、有意な群間差は認められなかった(-値>0.05)。チェアサイドでの装置挿入に要した時間は、Forsus FRD装置(18.28分)に比べ、PowerScope 2装置(10.33分)の方が有意に短かった(-値<0.05)。咀嚼の問題、発話の問題、口腔衛生維持の問題などのパラメータに対するVisual Analogue Scaleスコアは、フォーサスFRD装置と比較して、パワースコープ2装置で有意に低かった(-値<0.05)。

RESULTS: A significant change was observed in skeletal, dental, soft tissue, and airway parameters after treatment with both modalities (-value <0.05 for all) with no significant intergroup difference (-value >0.05). Chairside time spent in appliance insertion was significantly lower with PowerScope 2 appliance (10.33 min) as compared to the Forsus FRD appliance (18.28 min) (-value <0.05). Visual Analogue Scale scores for parameters such as problems in mastication, problems in speech, and problems in oral hygiene maintenance were significantly lower with PowerScope 2 appliance as compared to the Forsus FRD appliance (-value <0.05).



CONCLUSIONS: Although both modalities are effective in the management of Class II malocclusion, the PowerScope 2 appliance scores better in terms of lesser chairside time in appliance installation and better patient comfort.