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Quintessence Int.2024 Jul;0(0):0.


Effectiveness of interventions on improving early-life dental care utilization: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

PMID: 39078171




OBJECTIVES: Although early-life dental care is crucial for preventing early childhood caries and has numerous benefits, the utilization rate of such care remains remarkably low worldwide, especially in families of low socioeconomic status. The aim of this study was to systematically review the scientific evidence relating to the effectiveness of interventions on improving early-life dental care utilization of very young children.



METHOD AND MATERIALS: We reviewed scientific evidence relating to these positive changes, with 7 randomized controlled trials after qualitative evaluation. Interventions assessed included prenatal oral health promotion, motivational interviewing, intraoral camera use alongside social work consultations to aid in decreasing barriers to care, monetary incentives for tooth brushing, fluoride varnish applications, and probiotic usage.



RESULTS: The intervention was significantly effective in reducing the incidence of dental caries among children, especially in caries risk. Caries reduction was significant when oral health information was provided at frequent intervals prenatally. Caries increment was also reduced when probiotics were introduced when administered daily. Interventions that attempted to increase parental involvement in oral health care by increasing motivation and decreasing barriers had inconclusive results within the study groups.



CONCLUSIONS: Considering high rates ECC, early establishment and preservation of a dental home should be a focus in public health measures. Continuous monitoring and parental involvement are key components to maintaining healthy oral conditions. Future studies could explore and test various innovative strategies that utilize technological platforms to engage with parents and promote early-life dental care utilization among the underserved population.