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J Prosthet Dent.2024 Jul;


Discrepancies of centric occlusion located by using a conventional method and four intraoral scanners combined with a computer-aided design program: A pilot investigation.

PMID: 39089927




STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Intraoral scanners (IOSs) can be used to record the maxillomandibular relationship at centric relation (CR). The articulated digital scans can be imported into a dental computer-aided design (CAD) program and used to locate centric occlusion (CO); however, the accuracy of the CO recorded by using IOSs and a dental CAD program remains unknown.



PURPOSE: The purpose of this clinical study was to compare the position of the CO located by using a conventional method and 4 IOSs combined with a dental CAD program.


患者1名が本研究への参加を志願した。従来の診断用石膏模型を入手した。フェイスボーレコード(Kois Dentofacial Analyzer)を用いて上顎模型を半調節性咬合器(Panadent PCH Articulator)に移植した。コイス社製デプログラマー(KD)を使用し、CRでの上顎顎骨関係を記録し、下顎ギプスを咬合器に移しました。その後、切歯ピンを外し、8μmの咬合フォイルを使用して、COを咬合器内に位置決めした。青色咬合紙(コントロール)を用いてCOをマーキングした。使用したIOSにより3つのグループを作成した:TRIOS 4、iTero Element 5D Plus、i700、Primescanである。各IOSグループで上顎と下顎のスキャンを行った。スキャンは10回複製された。その後、KDで撮影した両側咬合記録を用いて、複製した各スキャンのペアを咬合させた。咬合された各標本はCADプログラム(DentalCAD)にインポートされ、COがバーチャルに特定された。各標本のCOで接触している歯をコントロールグループと比較した。カテゴリーデータはカイ二乗検定(α=.05)を用いて分析した。

MATERIAL AND METHODS: A patient volunteered to participate in this study. Conventional diagnostic stone casts were obtained. A facebow record (Kois Dentofacial Analyzer) was used to transfer the maxillary cast into a semi-adjustable articulator (Panadent PCH Articulator). A Kois deprogrammer (KD) was used to record the maxillomandibular relationship at CR and to transfer the mandibular cast into the articulator. Afterwards, CO was located in the articulated casts by removing the incisal pin and using an 8-µm articulating foil. CO was marked in the casts by using a blue articulating paper (control). Three groups were created based on the IOS used: TRIOS 4, iTero Element 5D Plus, i700, and Primescan. In each IOS group, a maxillary and mandibular scan were obtained. The scans were duplicated 10 times. Afterwards, a bilateral occlusal record captured with the KD was used to articulate each pair of duplicated scans. Each articulated specimen was imported into a CAD program (DentalCAD) and CO was virtually located. The teeth contacting at the CO of each specimen were compared with the control group. Categorical data were analyzed by using the chi-squared test (α=.05).


カイ二乗検定の結果、IOSシステムとCOの位置との間に有意な関連が認められた(P=.004)。TRIOS 4とCO位置の間に最も高い相関がみられ、100%の検体が従来群と同じCO位置を得た。最も関連性が低かったのはi700とCO位置の間であった。i700群では、20%の検体が対照群と同じCO位置を示した。iTero群とPrimescan群でも同様の結果が得られた。両群とも60%の検体が対照群と同じCO位置を示した。

RESULTS: The chi-squared test revealed a significant association between the IOS system and the location of the CO (P=.004). The highest association was found between the TRIOS 4 and CO position, in which 100% of the specimens obtained the same CO position as in the conventional group. The lowest association was found between the i700 and CO position. In the i700 group, 20% of the specimens showed the same CO position as in the control group. A similar outcome was obtained in the iTero and Primescan groups. In both groups, 60% of the specimens demonstrated the same CO position as the control group.


CRにおいて関節撮影に使用されたIOSシステムは、評価されたデジタル手法で測定されたCO位置に影響を与えた。TRIOS 4システムは、従来法と同じCO位置を一貫して再現した唯一のIOSであった。

CONCLUSIONS: The IOS system used to acquire articulated scans at CR impacted the CO position located by using the evaluated digital methods. The TRIOS 4 system was the only IOS that consistently reproduced the same CO position as the conventional method.