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Dent Mater.2024 Aug;


Release of contraction stress of dental resin composites by water sorption.

PMID: 39098487




UNLABELLED: Polymerization shrinkage of bonded resin composite restorations will result in the development of curing contraction stresses during setting and can cause debonding of the restoration or failure of the surrounding tooth structure. However, the hygroscopic expansion that occurs after exposure of the restorative to the wet oral environment can compensate for this shrinkage.



OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to determine the hygroscopic expansion of six commercial resin composites and relate it to their composition, mechanical properties, shrinkage, and contraction stress development.



METHODS: Short-term volumetric shrinkage and contraction stress of the different composites were measured by mercury dilatometry and a universal testing machine. The long-term contraction stress was measured by the deflection of a bilayer strip of metal and a resin composite, which were stored dry as well as wet to determine the effect of hygroscopic expansion. The curvature of the strip was measured by profilometry over a period of 3 months.


ストリップの曲率は初期収縮応力とよく相関し(r =0.74)、収縮応力が初期変形において重要な因子であることを示した。すべての試験片の吸水量は、硬化後2~4週間以内の初期変形が完全に打ち消されることを示していた。たわみと相対的吸水量の間には高い相関関係(r =0.90)が認められた(相対的吸水量とは、複合材の無機フィラー量で補正した絶対的吸水量と定義する)。

RESULTS: The curvature of the strip correlated well (r =0.74) with the initial contraction stress, showing that the contraction stress is an important factor in initial deformation. The water sorption in all specimens showed that the initial deformation, within 2-4 weeks after curing, was completely counteracted. A high correlation (r =0.90) between deflection and relative water sorption was found, where the relative water sorption is defined as the absolute water sorption corrected for the inorganic filler volume of the composite.



SIGNIFICANCE: Within a period of 2-4 weeks after curing most of the curing contraction stresses of resin composite restoratives will be released by hygroscopic expansion.