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Clin Oral Implants Res.2024 Aug;


Healing patterns of alveolar bone following ridge preservation procedures.

PMID: 39105326




OBJECTIVES: Examine the histomorphometric bone composition, following alveolar ridge preservation techniques and unassisted socket healing.



MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty-two patients (42) requiring a single rooted tooth extraction were randomly allocated into three groups (n = 14 per group): Group 1: Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) using deproteinised bovine bone mineral (DBBM) and a porcine collagen membrane; Group 2: Socket Seal (SS) technique using DBBM and a porcine collagen matrix; Group 3: Unassisted socket healing (Control). Trephined bone biopsies were harvested following a 4-month healing period. Forty-two samples underwent Back-Scattered Electrons -Scanning Electron Microscopy (BSE-SEM) imaging, with 15 samples examined using Xray Micro-Tomography (XMT) (n = 6 for each GBR/SS and n = 3 Control). Images were analysed to determine the percentage (%) of connective tissue, new bone formation, residual DBBM particles and direct bone to DBBM particle contact (osseointegration).



RESULTS: BSE-SEM analysis demonstrated that new bone formation was higher in the Control (45.89% ± 11.48) compared to both GBR (22.12% ± 12.7/p < .004) and SS (27.62% ± 17.76/p < .005) groups. The connective tissue percentage in GBR (49.72% ± 9), SS (47.81% ± 12.57) and Control (47.81% ± 12.57) groups was similar. GBR (28.17% ± 16.64) and SS (24.37% ± 18.61) groups had similar levels of residual DBBM particles. XMT volumetric analysis indicated a lower level of bone and DBBM particles in all test groups, when matched to the BSE-SEM area measurements. Osseointegration levels (DBBM graft and bone) were recorded at 35.66% (± 9.8) for GBR and 31.18% (± 19.38) for SS.



CONCLUSION: GBR and SS ARP techniques presented with less bone formation when compared to unassisted healing. GBR had more direct contact/osseointegration between the DBBM particles and newly formed bone.