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Front Psychiatry.2024;15:1439615.


The interplay between borderline personality disorder and oxytocin: a systematic narrative review on possible contribution and treatment options.

PMID: 39109363



境界性パーソナリティ障害(BPD)は、気分、人間関係、自己イメージ、行動の不安定さを特徴とする複雑な精神疾患である。BPDの患者は、激しい感情、衝動性、安定した人間関係の維持に悩むことが多い。オキシトシンは "愛情ホルモン "あるいは "絆ホルモン "として知られ、社会的絆、信頼、共感、感情調節において重要な役割を果たしており、その調節不全がBPDの困難の一因となっている可能性がある。この系統的レビューの目的は、既存の文献を分析し、複雑な相互作用を検討し、将来の研究と治療戦略を奨励することである。

BACKGROUND: Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a complex mental health condition marked by instability in mood, relationships, self-image, and behavior. Individuals with BPD often struggle with intense emotions, impulsivity, and maintaining stable relationships. Oxytocin, known as the "love hormone" or "bonding hormone," plays a crucial role in social bonding, trust, empathy, and emotional regulation and its dysregulation may contribute to BPD difficulties. This systematic review aims to analyze existing literature, examining the intricate interplay and encouraging future research and treatment strategies.



METHODS: A systematic search of Literature in PubMed, Embase and Psychinfo, without any language or time restriction, was performed until March 2024 combining thesaurus and free-search indexing terms related to "borderline personality disorder" and "oxytocin", producing 310 results (77 in PubMed, 166 in Embase and 67 in Psychinfo). Ninety-four full texts were analyzed, and 70 articles were included in qualitative analysis.



RESULTS: Oxytocin may influence attachment styles, parental behaviors, and stress responses, particularly in individuals with a history of childhood trauma. The interaction between oxytocin, genetics, early life experiences, and environmental factors contributes to the complexity of BPD. Genetic variations in the oxytocin receptor gene may influence social and emotional abilities and contribute to the development of psychopathology. Additionally, early adverse experiences, such as childhood maltreatment, can alter oxytocin functioning, impacting social cognition and emotional regulation.However, oxytocin's role in BPD treatment remains uncertain, with some studies suggesting potential benefits for specific symptoms like social threat avoidance, while others indicate adverse effects on nonverbal behavior and mentalizing.



CONCLUSION: Understanding oxytocin's role in BPD offers insights into potential therapeutic interventions. While oxytocin-based treatments may hold promise for addressing specific symptoms, further research is needed.