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Cureus.2024 Jul;16(7):e64153.


Lingual Fasciculation as a Point of Call for the Diagnosis of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Literature Review.

PMID: 39119436




BACKGROUND AND AIM: Dental surgeons often play a pivotal role in the initial detection of lingual fasciculations (LFs). These involuntary micro-movements of the tongue can serve as early clinical indicators of neurodegenerative diseases, with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) being the most concerning. Therefore, it is imperative to educate dental surgeons on identifying LF and understanding the potential underlying pathologies.



OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to pinpoint the pathologies in which LFs could emerge as an early clinical marker. Our review focused on articles delineating patient populations exhibiting LF within broader pathological contexts, encompassing neurological and other conditions, with the aim of elucidating their etiologies.


4つのデータベース(PubMed、Embase、Web of Science、Scopus)を用いて包括的な文献レビューを行った。2人の著者が独立してデータを抽出し、必要に応じて3人目の著者の助言を得た。対象とした論文は、LF患者について記述されたもので、検出方法、診断方法、関連する病態について詳述したものであった。

METHODS: We conducted a comprehensive literature review across four databases (PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and Scopus). Two authors independently extracted data, with consultation from a third author when necessary. Eligible articles included those describing patients with LFs, detailing the methods of detection, diagnosis, and associated pathologies.



RESULTS: Our review identified 22 articles encompassing 153 patients with LF, with an average age of 45.8 years and a female prevalence of 43%. Electromyography and ultrasound emerged as the predominant detection methods. ALS constituted the primary diagnosis in the majority of cases (91%). Additionally, other conditions diagnosed included Machado-Joseph disease (0.046%), familial transthyretin amyloid neuropathy (0.013%), Brown-Vialetto-Van-Laere syndrome (0.006%), chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (0.006%), bulbospinal amyotrophy or Kennedy's disease (0.006%), and osmotic demyelination syndrome (0.006%). LF secondary to organophosphate poisoning was also documented. Symptoms associated with LF encompassed taste alterations, dysphagia, difficulty swallowing, and slurred speech.



CONCLUSION: While primarily indicative of ALS, LFs may also signal diverse underlying pathologies. Healthcare practitioners should be vigilant in their detection and expedite patient referrals to facilitate early integration into care protocols.