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Diagnostics (Basel).2024 Jul;14(15).


Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Mandibular Second Premolar Impaction: A Case Report.

PMID: 39125486



Odontogenesis, the process of tooth formation, is complex and susceptible to disruptions that can result in dental anomalies such as tooth impaction. The mandibular second premolar, though less commonly impacted than wisdom teeth, presents a unique challenge in pediatric dentistry due to its intricate etiology and the need for timely intervention. This case report aims to highlight the significance of early diagnosis and conservative management strategies in treating mandibular second premolar impaction. The case involves a pediatric patient with impacted mandibular second premolars. Initial treatment included the use of a lower removable appliance with an expansion screw to alleviate crowding, followed by a fixed space maintainer and a Haas rapid palatal expander. These interventions created the necessary space for the premolars to erupt. Self-ligating brackets were later applied, reducing friction and improving periodontal health. The patient underwent two CBCT examinations to monitor progress, which confirmed the successful eruption and alignment of the impacted premolars without the need for surgical exposure. This case underscores the effectiveness of early diagnosis and minimally invasive treatment in managing mandibular second premolar impaction. The tailored approach facilitated the natural eruption of the teeth, highlighting the importance of individualized treatment plans. Future research should focus on optimizing these conservative strategies to enhance patient outcomes in similar cases.