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J Prosthet Dent.2024 Aug;


Accuracy of an autonomous dental implant robotic system in dental implant surgery.

PMID: 39142994




STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Autonomous dental implant robot systems (ADIRSs) have been marketed for dental implant surgery; however, research on their accuracy is limited.



PURPOSE: The purpose of this clinical study was to examine the accuracy of an ADIRS.


部分的無歯顎症の74名がADIRSを用いてインプラント手術を受けた。手術前にコーンビームCT(CBCT)スキャンを行い、その画像データをADIRSのナビゲーション・ポジショニングシステムに入力し、反復再構成と手術経路の計画を行った。局所麻酔の投与、患部の消毒、患者登録の後、ロボットが骨切りの準備をし、ナビゲーション・システムの誘導のもとでインプラントを埋入した。術後にCBCTスキャンを行い、計画したインプラント埋入位置と実際のインプラント埋入位置のずれを評価した。グローバルな冠状偏差、骨端偏差、角 度偏差が測定され、分析された。一般化線形混合モデル(GLMM)を用いて、主要な結果変数の差異を比較した(α=.05)。

MATERIAL AND METHODS: Seventy-four participants with partial edentulism underwent implant surgery by using the ADIRS. Before surgery, a cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scan was conducted, and its image data were fed into the ADIRS navigation and positioning system for iterative reconstruction and surgical path planning. After local anesthesia administration, area disinfection, and patient registration, the robot prepared the osteotomy and placed the implant under guidance of the navigation system. A postoperative CBCT scan was made to assess deviations between the planned and actual implant positions. The global coronal, apical, and angular deviations were measured and analyzed. A generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) was used to compare the differences in major outcome variables (α=.05).


すべてのインプラント手術は、手術中の合併症もなく成功裏に行われた。74人の参加者に合計86本のインプラントが埋入された。平均±標準偏差のglobal coronal deviation、global apical deviation、angular deviationは、それぞれ0.61±0.20mm(95%CI:0.23~1.0mm)、0.79±0.32mm(95%CI:0.17~1.41mm)、2.56±1.10度(95%CI:0.42~4.70度)であった。GLMMの結果から、インプラントの部位(前臼歯、大臼歯、上顎、下顎、左、右)、インプラントの長さ、および外科医は、精度に有意な影響を及ぼさないことが明らかになった(P>.05)。

RESULTS: All implant procedures were successfully carried out without any complications during surgery. A total of 86 implants were placed in 74 participants. The mean ±standard deviation global coronal deviation, global apical deviation, and angular deviation was 0.61 ±0.20 mm (95% CI: 0.23 to 1.0 mm), 0.79 ±0.32 mm (95% CI: 0.17 to 1.41 mm), and 2.56 ±1.10 degrees (95% CI: 0.42 to 4.70 degrees), respectively. The findings from the GLMM revealed that the implant region (premolar, molar; maxilla, mandible; left, right), implant length, and surgeon did not significantly impact accuracy (P>.05).



CONCLUSIONS: ADIRS showed high accuracy for implant placement because of the control of angular deviation and axial errors. The implant region, implant length, and surgeon had no significant influence on the accuracy of implant placement. Nevertheless, more clinical studies are required to support evidence-based clinical outcomes.