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Cureus.2024 Jul;16(7):e64672.


Severe Discoloration of the Alveolar Bone Secondary to Long-Term Minocycline Therapy: A Case Report.

PMID: 39149683



Minocycline, the synthetic derivative of the antibiotic tetracycline, has been used for a variety of medical treatments. One such use for minocycline is for acne vulgaris. Although widely used, minocycline has a common side effect of discoloration of tissues, including bone, skin, and mucosa. This case report presents a 19-year-old female patient with a history of long-term minocycline therapy for acne vulgaris who presented for periodontal esthetic crown lengthening. The initial exam revealed a blue-gray discoloration of the mucosa. Upon surgical exploration, it was discovered that the discoloration originated from the underlying alveolar bone with minimal gingival involvement. Surgical removal and recontouring of the bony exostoses revealed that the bone remained deeply stained. Although the discolored bone was not fully removed, the patient was able to obtain an acceptable esthetic result.