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Orthod Craniofac Res.2024 Aug;


3D-printed zirconia orthodontic brackets: Effect of printing method on dimensional accuracy.

PMID: 39169632




OBJECTIVES: This study investigated the effect of additive manufacturing (AM) methods on the slot height dimensions and accuracy of 3D-printed orthodontic brackets.


標準的なMclaughlin Bennett Trevisiブラケットの3Dモデルを基準として、2つの代表的なAM方法であるデジタル光プロセス(DLP)とマテリアルジェッティング(MJ)を用いて、セラミックブラケットを90°の方向でプリントした。寸法精度とスロットの高さは、走査型電子顕微鏡と光学スキャナーを用いて測定した。また、すべての試料をGeomagic Control X 3D検査ソフトウェアで分析した。二乗平均平方根(RMS)値を真度および精度評価に使用した。統計分析は独立標本t検定を用いて行った。

METHODS: A 3D model of a standard Mclaughlin Bennett Trevisi bracket was used as a reference to print the ceramic bracket in a 90° orientation using two representative AM methods: digital light processing (DLP) and material jetting (MJ). The dimensional accuracy and slot heights were determined using a scanning electron microscope and an optical scanner. Also, all specimens were analysed using the Geomagic Control X 3D inspection software. The root mean square (RMS) values were used for trueness and precision assessment. Statistical analyses were performed using an independent sample t-test.



RESULTS: Slot height dimensions, trueness RMS, and precision RMS were statistically affected by different AM methods (p < .01). There was a significant difference between the different printing methods, with DLP meeting the tolerance requirements (mean slot height = 0.557 ± 0.018 mm) and MJ being slightly below them (mean slot height = 0.544 ± 0.021 mm). However, MJ significantly outperformed DLP in terms of accuracy. Among the two printing methods, MJ was associated with higher trueness (RMS = 0.025 ± 0.004 mm) and precision (RMS = 0.038 ± 0.005 mm).



CONCLUSIONS: Both tested AM methods yielded clinically acceptable outcomes, with the RMS range set to ±100 μm and the slot height tolerance established at 0.549-0.569 mm. The MJ technology achieved the highest accuracy.