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Clin Oral Investig.2024 Aug;28(9):501.


Botulinum toxin for bruxism treatment: a nationwide study among oral and maxillofacial surgeons in Germany.

PMID: 39186088




INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to evaluate the use of botulinum toxin (BTX) for the treatment of bruxism in oral and maxillofacial surgery in Germany.



MATERIAL AND METHODS: A dynamic online questionnaire comprising 7 to 25 questions was formulated to gather general and specific information regarding using BTX to treat bruxism. The questionnaire underwent internal and external assessments for validation. Subsequently, it was distributed to 906 oral and maxillofacial surgeons (OMFS) affiliated with the German Association for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (DGMKG). Weekly reminders were dispatched over four weeks to enhance response rates. Participation in the study was voluntary and anonymized. Descriptive methods were employed for data analysis.


本研究には 107 名の OMFS 患者が参加し、回答率は 11.81%であった。ブラキシズムを有する患者は月平均17人で、このうち4人がBTX療法を受けていた。BTX投与は、スプリントや理学療法を伴うことが多かった(参加者の35.51%)。BTX製剤としてはBotox®(アラガン社製)が好まれており、40.79%の参加者が利用し、92.11%の参加者が生理食塩水で再構成していた。BTX治療の主な標的は咬筋であり(参加者の67.57%)、片側平均29単位のBTX(アラガン社製)が使用された。各咬筋の注射ポイントは、通常片側6箇所で、参加者の30.67%が好んだ。BTX治療後のフォローアップ評価は、36%の参加者が定期的に、主に4週間後に行った。8%の症例では、治療効果が不十分であったため、BTXの追加注射が必要であった。副作用が報告された症例は4%で、一般的に咬合力の低下として現れた。ブラキシズム治療にBTXを使用している参加OMFSのほとんど(61.84%)は、BTXによるブラキシズム治療をエビデンスに基づくものとみなしていた。注目すべきは、回答者の97.37%がBTXを用いたブラキシズム治療を同僚に勧めたいと表明したことである。全体として、ブラキシズムに対するBTX療法の有効性は、良好(53.95%)および非常に良好(40.79%)と評価された。

RESULTS: 107 OMFS participated in the study, yielding a response rate of 11.81%. On average, 17 patients with bruxism were per month, with 4 of these patients receiving BTX therapy. BTX administration was frequently accompanied by splints and physiotherapy (35.51% of participants). Botox® (Allergan) was the preferred BTX preparation, utilized by 40.79% and reconstituted with saline by 92.11% of participants. The masseter muscles were primarily targeted for BTX treatment (67.57% of participants), averaging 29 BTX (Allergan-) units per side. Injection points for each masseter muscle typically amounted to six per side, preferred by 30.67% of participants. Follow-up assessments post-BTX treatment were conducted regularly, predominantly after four weeks, by 36% of participants. In 8% of cases, additional BTX injections were necessary due to inadequate outcomes. Side effects were reported in 4% of cases, commonly manifesting as a non-disturbing reduction in bite force. Most participating OMFS (61.84%) using BTX for bruxism therapy regarded bruxism treatment with BTX as evidence-based. Notably, 97.37% of respondents expressed their willingness to recommend BTX-based bruxism treatment to their colleagues. Overall, the efficacy of BTX therapy for bruxism was rated as good (53.95%) and very good (40.79%).



CONCLUSION: The use of BTX for the management of bruxism among OMFS in Germany has demonstrated efficacy. Substantial variances in certain facets of bruxism treatment employing BTX have been observed.



CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Additional research endeavors are warranted to comprehensively investigate distinct elements of BTX therapy for bruxism, including the optimal dosage of BTX units and the precise localization of injection sites across various muscles.