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J Prosthodont.2024 Aug;


Investigating the impact of different cleaning techniques on bond strength between resin cement and zirconia and the resulting physical and chemical surface alterations.

PMID: 39188017




PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of cleaning methods and thermocycling on the micro-tensile bond strength between resin cement and contaminated zirconia and to characterize the physicochemical alterations at the zirconia surface resulting from contaminants and subsequent application of cleaning methods.


32個のアルミナ空研ジルコニアブロックを8群に分けた:(i)汚染されていない対照群、次いでメタクリロイルオキシデシルリン酸二水素(MDP)プライマー(G-マルチプライマー)塗布群(CON)。i~viii群では、ブロックを唾液とシリコーン系開示剤で汚染し、その後以下のように洗浄した:(ii)MDPプライマー塗布後に汚染(GMP1)、(iii)汚染前後にMDPプライマー塗布(GMP2)、(iv)アルミナエアアブレージョン(APA)による洗浄、(v)次亜塩素酸ナトリウム(NaOCl)による洗浄、(vi)Ivoclean(IVC)による洗浄、(vii)ZirClean(ZC)による洗浄、(viii)Katana Cleaner(KC)による洗浄。洗浄後、iv~viii群のジルコニアブロックにMDPプライマーを塗布した。各群のブロックをレジンセメント(G-Cem Linkforce)で接着した。その後、接着した各ジルコニアブロックを水冷ダイヤモンドソーを用いてマイクロスティック(1×1×9 mm)に切断した。24時間または10,000回の熱サイクル後に微小引張接着強さを測定した(n = 20/サブグループ)。データは、二元配置分散分析(ANOVA)、一元配置分散分析、Tukeyのポストホック検定を用いて分析した。物理化学的評価には、接触角測定、エネルギー分散型X線分光法(EDS)、フーリエ変換赤外分光計(FTIR)を用いた。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-two alumina air-abraded zirconia blocks were divided into eight groups: (i) uncontaminated control followed by methacryloyloxydecyl dihydrogen phosphate (MDP) primer (G-Multi Primer) application (CON). In groups ii-viii, the blocks were contaminated with saliva and silicone disclosing agents, followed by cleaning as follows: (ii) MDP primer applied, followed by contamination (GMP1); (iii) MDP primer applied before and after contamination (GMP2); (iv) cleaning with alumina air-abrasion (APA); (v) cleaning with sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl); (vi) cleaning with Ivoclean (IVC); (vii) cleaning with ZirClean (ZC); and (viii) cleaning with Katana Cleaner (KC). After cleaning, the zirconia blocks in groups iv-viii were applied with MDP primer. The blocks in each group were cemented together with resin cement (G-Cem Linkforce). Subsequently, each bonded zirconia block was sectioned using a water-cooled diamond saw into microsticks (1 × 1 × 9 mm). Micro-tensile bond strength was measured after either 24 h or 10,000 thermal cycles (n = 20/subgroup). Data were analyzed using two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by one-way ANOVA, and Tukey's post-hoc test. The contact angle measurements, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), and Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer were used for physiochemical evaluation.



RESULTS: After 24 h of water storage, the highest bond strength was observed in the CON, NaOCl, APA, and GMP2 groups. After thermocycling, the bond strength significantly decreased in all groups except the GMP2 group, which maintained the highest bond strength. Commercial ceramic cleaning agents (IVC, ZC, and KC groups) exhibited lower bond strengths than the CON groups in both aging conditions.



CONCLUSIONS: The application of MDP primer before and after contamination is a promising cleaning protocol for removing saliva and silicone disclosing agent contaminants from zirconia surfaces. This approach achieved the highest bond strength and maintained it even after artificial aging through thermocycling.