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Geriatr Gerontol Int.2024 Oct;24(10):1045-1052.


Coexistence of low body mass index and poor oral health negatively affects activities of daily living, swallowing, and cognition after stroke.

PMID: 39188241




AIM: Low body mass index (BMI) and poor oral health are prevalent among older stroke patients and associated with adverse outcomes. However, their combined impact on functional recovery after stroke remains unclear. This study investigated the synergistic effects of low BMI and poor oral health on activities of daily living (ADL) independence, swallowing function, and cognitive status in post-stroke older patients.


70歳以上の入院脳卒中後患者708人を対象にレトロスペクティブコホート研究を実施した。低BMIは<20kg/mと定義し、口腔の健康不良はRevised Oral Assessment Guide(ROAG)を用いて評価し、13点以上は口腔に問題があることを示した。主要アウトカムは退院時のADL自立度(Functional Independence Measure-motor score >78)であった。副次的転帰は嚥下レベル(食物摂取レベル尺度)および認知状態(機能的自立度測定-認知スコア)であった。重回帰分析を実施し、低BMI、口腔の健康不良、およびそれらの組み合わせと目的の転帰との関連を検討した。

METHODS: A retrospective cohort study was conducted on 708 hospitalized post-stroke patients aged ≥70 years. Low BMI was defined as <20 kg/m, and poor oral health was assessed using the Revised Oral Assessment Guide (ROAG) with a score ≥13 indicating oral problems. The primary outcome was ADL independence (Functional Independence Measure-motor score >78) at discharge. Secondary outcomes included swallowing level (Food Intake Level Scale) and cognitive status (Functional Independence Measure-cognition score). Multiple regression analyses were performed to examine the associations of low BMI, poor oral health, and their combination with outcomes of interest.



RESULTS: The coexistence of low BMI and poor oral health was independently associated with lower odds of achieving ADL independence (odds ratio 0.130, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.023-0.718), worse swallowing level (B = -0.878, 95% CI -1.280 to -0.476), and poorer cognitive status (B = -1.872, 95% CI -2.960 to -0.784) at discharge, after adjusting for confounders. The combined impact was stronger than either condition alone.


低BMIと口腔衛生の低下は、高齢の脳卒中入院患者の機能回復に相乗的な悪影響を及ぼす。栄養サポート、口腔管理、リハビリテーションを統合した包括的介入は、この脆弱な集団における転帰を最適化するために極めて重要である。Geriatr Gerontol Int 2024; 24: 1045-1052.

CONCLUSIONS: The coexistence of low BMI and poor oral health exerts a synergistic negative impact on functional recovery in older stroke inpatients. Comprehensive interventions integrating nutritional support, oral management, and rehabilitation are crucial to optimizing outcomes in this vulnerable population. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2024; 24: 1045-1052.