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J Prosthodont.2024 Aug;


Effect of different surface treatments and adhesive cementation on the surface topography and flexural strength of translucent and ultra-translucent monolithic zirconia.

PMID: 39189693




PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of different surface treatments and adhesive cementation on the miniflexural strength (MFS) of monolithic zirconia.


透光性ジルコニア(Z)および超透光性ジルコニア(Z)の焼結バー240本(8mm×2mm×1mm)を得た。ジルコニア」(ZおよびZ)、「セメンテーション」(Cem)、「表面処理」(Ctrl:コントロール、Al:酸化アルミニウム/AlO 50μm、Si:シリカ/SiOコーティングアルミナ粒子酸化物30μm、Gl:グレージング+フッ酸)の因子によって16群(n=15)に分けた。半分のバーには接着剤層を塗布し、その後レジンセメントを塗布して光硬化させた。表面粗さはセメントを塗布しない群で測定した。すべてのバーをMFS試験(1.0mm/min;100kgf)に供した。定性的分析には走査型電子顕微鏡を用いた。MFSデータ(MPa)と粗さ(µm)は、それぞれ三元配置および二元配置ANOVAとTukeyの検定(5%)により統計的に評価した。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two-hundred and forty (240) sintered bars of translucent zirconia (Z) and ultra-translucent zirconia (Z) were obtained (8 mm ×2 mm ×1 mm). The bars were divided into 16 groups (n = 15) according to the factors "Zirconia" (Z and Z), "Cementation" (Cem) and "surface treatment" (Ctrl:Control, Al:Aluminum oxide/AlO 50 µm, Si:Silica/SiO coated alumina particles oxide 30 µm, Gl:Glazing+hydrofluoric acid). Half of the bars received an adhesive layer application, followed by application of resin cement and light curing. The surface roughness was measured in non-cemented groups. All the bars were subjected to the MFS test (1.0 mm/min; 100 kgf). Scanning electron microscopy was used for qualitative analyses. MFS data (MPa) and roughness (µm) were statistically evaluated by three-way and two-way ANOVA respectively and Tukey's test (5%).



RESULTS: The surface treatment and the interaction were significant for roughness. Glazing promoted less roughness compared to silicatization. Regarding MFS, only the zirconia and surface treatment factors were significant. For Z, the sandblasted groups had an increase in MFS and glazing reduced it. There was no difference between the groups without cementation for the Z; however, Z.Si/Cem, and Z.Al/Cem obtained superior MFS among the cemented groups.



CONCLUSIONS: Sandblasting increases the flexural strength for Z, while glaze application tends to reduce it. Applying resin cement increases the flexural strength of Z when associated with sandblasting. Sandblasting protocols promote greater surface roughness.