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Inflamm Bowel Dis.2024 Aug;


Psychological Distress Is Associated With Inflammatory Bowel Disease Manifestation and Mucosal Inflammation.

PMID: 39191508




BACKGROUND: Stress is a potentially significant risk factor for the occurrence and progression of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).



METHODS: The study analyzed the level of stress, anxiety, and depression in patients with Crohn's disease (CD; n = 50) and ulcerative colitis (UC; n = 54) in comparison with non-IBD controls (n = 100), using Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) questionnaires. Additionally, a correlation between psychological scores and expression of IL17A, IL17F, and IL23A genes in the intestinal mucosa of IBD patients was assessed.


対照群と比較して、CDおよびUC患者はPSS(P=4×10-14, P=2.5×10-16)、PHQ-9(P=2×10-16, P=2×10-16)、HADS抑うつ(P=2.6×10-10、P=2.5×10-11)、HADS不安(P=3.5×10-9、P=1.2×10-11)であった。我々は、PSSとIL17F mRNA(rs=0.43、P=.036)の間に正の相関を見出した一方、HADS抑うつとHADS不安は、CD被験者の炎症回腸粘膜におけるIL23A mRNA(rs=0.55、P=.0048;rs=0.53、P=.0062)と正の相関を示した。

RESULTS: Compared to controls, CD and UC patients had higher PSS (P = 4 × 10-14, P = 2.5 × 10-16), PHQ-9 (P = 2 × 10-16, P = 2 × 10-16), HADS depression (P = 2.6 × 10-10, P = 2.5 × 10-11), and HADS anxiety (P = 3.5 × 10-9, P = 1.2 × 10-11). We found a positive correlation between PSS and IL17F mRNA (rs = 0.43, P = .036) while HADS depression and HADS anxiety positively correlated with the IL23A mRNA in inflamed ileal mucosa of CD subjects (rs = 0.55, P = .0048; rs = 0.53, P = .0062).



CONCLUSIONS: A significantly higher psychological distress was identified in IBD patients. CD patients with increased ileal expression of IL17F and IL23A genes had higher PSS and HADS, suggesting a potential interplay between psychological distress and inflammation.

この研究では、IBDでは知覚ストレス、抑うつ、不安のレベルが高いことが示された。CD患者の回腸粘膜において、IL17F mRNAは知覚ストレスと相関し、IL23A mRNAは不安および抑うつ(HADS)と相関した。

The study found elevated levels of perceived stress, depression, and anxiety in IBD. IL17F mRNA correlated with perceived stress while IL23A mRNA correlated with anxiety and depression (HADS) in the ileal mucosa of CD patients.