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Clin Oral Investig.2024 Aug;28(9):505.


Impact of occlusal stabilization splints on global body posture: a prospective clinical trial.

PMID: 39207547




OBJECTIVES: Body posture of patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMD) has been investigated using different methods, whereas outcome and conclusions were controversial. The present clinical trial aimed to investigate the effects of splint therapy on global body posture.


顎関節症の症状を有する被験者24名(女性20名、男性4名、年齢24.2±4.0歳)を対象に臨床検査(RDC/TMD)を行い、その後スプリント製作を開始した。日常的な治療と並行して、すべての被験者は、Vitus Smart XXL 3Dスキャナーを使用して、立位および正座姿勢で治療前後の3次元全身スキャンを受けた。各スキャンは3重に取得され、12個の立位姿勢パラメータと9個の座位姿勢パラメータを測定し、二重に評価された。分散分析(ANOVA)を用いて影響因子を分析し、さらにBland-Altman分析によりANOVA結果の有意性を検証した。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: 24 subjects (20 females, 4 males; age 24.2 ± 4.0 years) with TMD symptoms were examined clinically (RDC/TMD) and subsequently, splint fabrication was initiated. Along with routine therapy, all subjects underwent three-dimensional pre- and post-treatment full body scans in standing and upright sitting posture using a Vitus Smart XXL 3D scanner. Each scan was acquired in triplicate and evaluated in duplicate, measuring twelve standing and nine sitting postural parameters. Influencing factors were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA), and additional Bland-Altman analyses verified the significance of the ANOVA results.


前方頭部角度の増加とラウンドショルダー角度の減少は、両方の姿勢と側面で一貫していた。Forward Head角度は、下顎可動域制限と筋筋膜痛に有意に影響された。ラウンドショルダーの角度は、筋筋膜痛、関節雑音、下顎可動域制限の有無と有意な相関を示した。

RESULTS: The increase of Forward Head angles and the decrease of Round Shoulders angles were consistent for both positions and sides. Forward Head angles were significantly influenced by limited mandibular mobility and myofascial pain. Round Shoulders angles showed a significant correlation with myofascial pain, joint noises and the absence of limited mandibular mobility.



CONCLUSION: The influence of occlusal splints on global posture is limited and only small effects on cervicocranial parameters were found. In the present study, the average head position of post treatment measurements was more centered on the body's core, whereas the shoulders were tilted more anteriorly.



CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Understanding the limited influence of occlusal splints on cervicocranial parameters underscores the need for multimodal treatment strategies for TMD patients.