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Clin Oral Investig.2024 Sep;28(10):519.


Long-term inflammatory outcome after placement of a novel two-piece dental implant in a dog model experimental peri-implantitis.

PMID: 39249609




PURPOSE: Evaluate the inflammatory outcome of a two-piece novel titanium dental implant (test article) vs. a one- piece titanium dental implant (control article) inducing experimental peri-implantitis in a dog model.



MATERIALS & METHODS: A novel, two-piece pre-assembled implant with a 0.2-thickness sleeve in its coronal 4.2 mm part was developed (Test article). Ligature-induced experimental periimplantitis model was applied, followed by decontamination and bone grafting in seven dogs. Four groups were assessed according to decontamination and resurfacing protocol: E1 (Experimental 1): test article- sleeve removed, mechanical and chemical decontamination, new rough surface non-threaded sleeve was inserted; E2 (Experimental 2): test article- sleeve removed, mechanical and chemical decontamination, test article remained denuded presenting a turned non-threaded surface; C1 (Control 1): sleeve remained, mechanical and chemical decontamination in test article, original rough surface, non-threaded sleeve; C2 (Control 2): control article cleaning, mechanical and chemical decontamination of original rough surface, threaded implant. Buccolingual and mesiodistal sections were prepared for each site. Resin qualitative and semi-quantitative histopathologic inflammatory parameters were analyzed.



RESULTS: Group C1 showed statistically significant highest signs of residual long-term inflammation, followed by groups E1, and C2. Group E2 displayed the lowest local inflammation. Mesio/Distal aspects displayed increased long-term inflammatory infiltrate albeit not statistically significant.


(1)市販の1ピースインプラントと2ピースインプラントでは、除染手 順がより効果的である。(2)機械的および化学的除染の結果は不十分である。リサーフェシングは、除染結果を改善する。(3)回転した表面の汚染除去は、粗面よりも優れている。

CONCLUSIONS: Within the limits of the present study, it may be concluded that - (1) The decontamination procedure is more effective in a commercial one-piece vs. a two-piece dental implant. (2) Mechanical and chemical decontamination outcome is insufficient. Resurfacing improves the decontamination outcome. (3) Decontamination of the turned surface is superior to the rough surface.


インプラント周囲疾患のリスクが高い患者に対して最適なインプラントを選択する場合、顎骨表面がターニングされた一体型インプラントが望ましい。一度インプラント周囲炎が発生すると、インプラント周囲炎 のコントロールがよりうまくいく可能性がある。通常、汚染除去だけでは十分ではありません。可能であれば、再 表面処理を行うことを強く推奨する。

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: When choosing the most appropriate dental implant for individuals with a high risk for peri-implant disease, a one-piece dental implant with a turned crestal surface is preferable. Once occurring, the control of peri-implant disease inflammation may be more successful. Decontamination is usually not enough. Resurfacing is highly recommended if possible.